ALESIO SPORT WELLNESS & GYM – LAPRAKE / TIRANE Adresa: Rruga Gjergj Legisi, Laprake, Tirane
Deshironi nje Trup dhe Mendje te Shendetshme ku te ndiheni 100% vetvetja?
Behuni tani pjese e familjes se madhe Alesio Sports Wellness & Gym me nje siperfaqe 1300 m2 ku do te gjeni gjithçka dedikuar mireqenies dhe shendetit tuaj.
Permiresimi arrihet vetem me perkushtim! Hidh hapin tend edhe investo per nje jete mevte shendetshme sepse shendeti juaj eshte pririoriteti yne!
- Crossfit
- Pilates
- Zumba
- Yoga
- Aerobics
- Core Training
- Abs
- Sauna
- Spa
- Solar Tanning
- Massage
#cardio #fitness #gym #workout #fit #motivation #training #bodybuilding #health #healthy #lifestyle #strong #fitnessaddict #exercise #fitspo #fitnessmodel #eatclean #diet #getfit #instagood #train #gymlife #fitnessmotivation #fitfam #active #muscle #determination #cleaneating #instahealth
Per me shume informacion na Kontaktoni
Tel: +355 69 600 5655
Alesio Sports Wellness & Gym Laprake
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- Category: ZZZ