The benefits of a cold shower

If you do it from time to time, it can bring you many benefits. Taking a cold shower may not be very exciting for many of you, but if you do it once in a while, it can bring you many benefits.

Cold showers help blood circulation: Cold showers promote blood flow to vital organs. This can be very beneficial for the cardiovascular system and people suffering from low blood pressure, prevent hardening of the arteries and the appearance of varicose veins.

Cold water can be a good antidepressant: When you bathe in cold water, you experience a surge of adrenaline thanks to the multiplication of electrical impulses from your peripheral nerves to the brain. This can provide you with a beneficial anti-depressant effect.

Cold water is very good for hair and skin: To reduce the electrification of your hair and maintain its shine, wash it occasionally with cold water. Hot water tends to dry them out, while cold water leaves them straight, shapeless and hard.

Cold water improves athletic performance: Several recent studies published in the American Journal of Physiology have found that athletes who take a dip in cold water after an intense workout have proven to be more resistant to exercise.

Cold water improves mental skills: You have to admit that when you take a cold shower or dip in a cold pool, you need a mental boost to not turn on the heat afterwards. It has been proven that the more you subject your body to stressors, the more adapted you become to future stressors. In other words, taking a cold shower makes you stronger, and that’s a really good thing.

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