For many years, Kejbi Furniture has been offering custom-made furniture in the market for furnishing different residential or business environments. We offer furniture production according to your request, adapting to any type of environment or desire you have.
We produce different furniture such as: Kitchen, Bedroom, Closets, Office Furniture, Toilet Furniture, etc…
Quality and correctness in our hands, the choice in your hands!
By-Ter Project is a company with many years of experience in the construction sector and for several years it includes the field of architectural design and the furniture workshop.
Quality is the key word in our projects.
With your trust by your side, we build the future!
The Architecture Studio realizes from the most basic interior designs for small spaces to the exteriors of villas.
Our company carries out from the smallest restorations to the construction of villas according to the customer's request.
In our workshop, we make furniture of different typologies from classic to modern.
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