2024 Yearly Horoscope

What the stars have in store for you
The Sun rules 2024 and this means a guarantee of a good year from the beginning. You like the Sun very much. She really likes your spontaneous character, your desire to be in the spotlight and not let boredom stop you. Things get especially exciting from May 26, when Jupiter takes a favorable position. And she bears the promising name of “planet of luck”. With her help, your interpersonal communication will improve. You will do better business and be unbeatable in sales.

Plus, your love life will be even better. The Sun also makes you less impatient and restless. Being the ruler of the year, it gives everyone a calming effect. This is particularly beneficial for you. You are not easily irritated and can accept things as they are. A calming quality of the Sun is also to ease your latent fears. This makes you a pleasant person to spend time with. Additionally, you don’t compete as quickly as your zodiac sign often does. You can work on self-control and calmness if necessary.

What to pay attention to
The problem is represented by Saturn. It is found in the zodiac sign of Pisces throughout the year. This leaves you to your own devices. Sounds like a good thing, doesn’t it? Wait and see! Some certainties could suddenly be called into question. You may make mistakes, forget important dates, or overdo it. Now it is especially important not to panic. You can be absolutely certain that you will get along even without Saturn. Maybe you’ll have to try a little harder.

Love and passion
Your celestial ancestor, golden Aries, greets you: Your love will make you so happy in 2024 that sometimes you will feel like you are in seventh heaven. The new year could bring less freedom and erotic adventures, but more intense interiority and strong feelings. In individual cases, and only if a relationship has already expired, this deeper emotionality could lead to a breakup. But will the year 2024 bring the longed-for life partner to all Aries who are looking for a partner? Of course yes! There are periods – such as February, March and August – when potential partners will meet you as if in an anthill.

Career and money
Say goodbye to the idea that you can have an eight-hour job, receive your paycheck at the end of the month, and be glued to your desk until you retire. In 2024 you will not have a simple job, but a vocation! Enthusiasm and commitment are more than ever the basis of your success. With the ruling Sun and Jupiter from June in harmonious conjunction with your zodiac sign, you have a job to do and the ability to convince others of your ideas. Towards the end of the year everything calms down: you are firmly in the saddle and there is no one who can stand up to you.

Saturn is approaching your zodiac sign Aries and will enter it in 2026. Until then, it scans your body down to the smallest cells and records everything that is not one hundred percent in order. It’s like a roadworthiness test, but not for a car, but for you. Therefore, you need to be very careful to recognize Saturn’s warning signs and resolve them. For this, in most cases, you do not need a doctor, but only your healing intelligence.

What the stars have in store for you
From the first day of 2024, the lucky planet Jupiter is in your zodiac sign. Furthermore, the Sun is the ruler of the year and will make sure that everything goes well for you during the year. Look forward to every day of the new year. Don’t just think about money, but also about love. Until the end of May everything will be very beautiful. And what will happen next? Saturn makes his appearance. He is in the zodiac sign of Pisces and watches over you discreetly so that you do not make mistakes.

What to pay attention to
Naturally in 2024 you will have to deal with small daily problems. But the great difficulties will remain distant. At most, a “Attention, caution!” will accompany you on your journey: Neptune is in the sign of Pisces. This could make you careless in spending. Be careful. Furthermore, this Neptune weakens your physical defenses. Live healthy!

Love and passion
Uranus is in your zodiac sign and arouses such a desire for lust that it will make you explode if you don’t give in to it. If there is someone who shares your desire, you are lucky. If not, look for substitutes on your menu, for example. Pay attention to your craving when you eat. Otherwise, at the end of the year, you will definitely have online problems. If you are single, you will naturally want to follow the call of Uranus and seduce any creature you like. That there are many is ensured by the Sun which, as ruler of the new year, puts all humanity in a flirtatious mood. The best prospects for love are served in your birth month, May. Mercury, Uranus and Venus meet in your sign and give you happy moments. Thanks to its beauty, the month of July will also receive cosmic support for happy and loving moments.

Career and money
Let’s move on to the prospects in another important sector, that of “career and work”. Uranus bombards you with ideas. Until now, however, your brilliant ideas have often fallen on deaf ears. Have you gotten used to this? Are dreams dreams? In the next year you will be taught better. The kingdom of the Sun will change everything: your dreams will come true. But don’t just think about your personal career. The world needs you as an idea generator and driving force. With Jupiter in such an advantageous position, you can also expect to always have enough money in the coming year.

Let’s now move on to the prospects in terms of health. They are easy to say: you will have to “deceive” Neptune. After all, you are more sensitive than you think. And everything that strengthens your defenses will help you against this sensitivity: more vitamins, cold showers every day, spending a lot of time outdoors, little alcohol and no cigarettes!

Taurus and his partner
Aries, otherwise wild and undisciplined, in 2024 is extremely friendly and tender towards Taurus. With the same zodiac sign, another Taurus, there is no end to lust. With a Gemini, in 2024 there will also be frequent arguments about who is right. A Cancer is the most loving of all in the coming year. He has a soul and turns the house into a paradise. Even with Taurus and Leo there are many differences. With Virgo it works very well, but unfortunately only for a short time. In the long run they wear each other out. With Libra it is more lukewarm than passionate. Exceptions: May and the second half of June. But in a friendship it works well all year round. Scorpio is a 10,000 Volt Mister or Miss, with particularly electrifying encounters in the first half of the year. Sagittarius is a greyhound: his infidelity can only be tolerated if Taurus also has a lot of irons in his tool. Capricorn and Taurus form an optimal couple in 2024. Aquarius sees black when Taurus sees white: there is nothing more opposite! Pisces is liked immediately and more and more as the year goes by.

Optimal! The Sun reacts and Venus gives the first half of the year a lot of energy. You can expect to be in a good mood most of the time and to meet lots of new people.

You need something to fill your daily life. This also applies to those who do not work because they are retired. Look around. If you’re just twiddling your thumbs, you’re unhappy and dissatisfied. Learn something new, a language, how to use a computer, become a healer or join a club.

What the stars have in store for you
The sun sets the tone for 2024. Imagine our sun shining all year round and making the whole world friendly, especially you. Everywhere you are welcome. You talk, exchange ideas, meet, separate and are always in a good mood. Then, on May 24, Jupiter enters your zodiac sign and the situation improves further. This Jupiter rightly bears the name of lucky planet, because it makes beauty even more beautiful, takes away worries, evokes good mood and gives access to happiness. One can almost say that for you it is an invitation to the land of milk and honey.

What to keep in mind
You are an air sign. A person of whom it can be said that he is always in flight. Surely this is also based on the fact that your name is not Gemini, but Gemini-e, that is, in the plural. Saturn teaches you to be more aware in the coming year. You will become more reserved, you will also give others the opportunity to express themselves, you will listen and engage with what you feel.

Love and passion
Jupiter is in your zodiac sign in the second half of the year. This guarantees wonderful hours in the realm of the senses. The stars even whisper of a soul union with someone with whom you have had more of a casual friendship. If you don’t want it to be this way, you certainly won’t be alone in 2024. What else you need to know in this context: Traveling has never been as fulfilling as in 2024. Everything suggests that you will meet someone during a trip and start a a friendship that will transform into a deep love.

Career and money
The stars give the green light to matters of personal fulfillment and want you to earn more. Mercury, your personal planet, also fully supports you. As a promoter of the market economy, your planet will ensure that you have your hands in the dough and expect promising assignments. Your planet will always whisper the best advice in your ear in good time. In the second half of the year you will have to play on the front line. This will be rewarded. You have aroused interest and the offers will follow.

The sun, ruler of the year, loves fire. Take this concept literally and apply it 1:1 to your life. It’s important that you bring variety into your life and put some spice into your daily routine. If you then change your diet a little, the stars will give you the green light. A diet in March works wonders. If possible, book an active holiday for July. And plan a few days of well-being in autumn!

Gemini and his partner
Aries is your destiny partner. With Taurus, love quickly becomes a daily routine – and lovers become an “old couple”, unless you provide uninterrupted variety. Another Gemini makes you furious with love and lust in July. Cancer is a panacea: lean back, close your eyes and let yourself be pampered! Leo is very different: who is more beautiful, stronger, more successful? If you like constant competition, you’re in the right place! Virgo knows “what’s good for you” as soon as he gets up in the morning: Do you want a housekeeper? If a Libra crosses your path in 2024: Leave everyone else behind! With the passionate Scorpio you will experience a hot June. With Sagittarius, sparks will fly: someone who inspires you, lights you up, but also exhausts you. Capricorn will make your tax return and your car MOT-proof, but where’s the passion? Aquarium: a hide and seek game that has its charm. Pisces broods and tends towards sentimentality: this is not your case!

Being and staying young is your life plan. In 2024, when the Sun and, from June, Jupiter are fully on your side, you will sometimes be overwhelmed by truly childish, even childish impulses. Why not laugh and scream at the top of your lungs and sometimes even cry and moan?

You will never really get old. But since you have two sides, the cheerful one and the thoughtful one, in 2024 your second side will emerge more often. That’s how things are! It is also good that you admit this side to yourself. It makes you internally coherent.

What the stars have in store for you
The Sun rules the year and, until May 24, Jupiter embraces your zodiac sign. This creates great benefits, especially for your love life. Those who have been looking for a partner for a long time will have many more possibilities than usual in 2024. You have had great experiences in recent years and know how to put yourself in the right light. I always say it: Cancers are the most beautiful people in this world. Everyone wants them. Jupiter moves in at the end of May. That’s when things get tight. So live and love like a goddess, like a god, in the first half of the year, and don’t worry about the second!

What to pay attention to
What You Can Let Go of Pluto has been opposing your star sign in recent years. This led to great devotion and love. Now there is a further sign. You may miss him and find that your life has become a little more sober.

Love and passion
The most beautiful gift that the ruler of the year, the Sun, gives you is inner peace, trust and profound happiness. Regardless of who and how you love in 2024 – in a committed couple, in casual relationships or alone in casual relationships – you will be happy, cheerful and contented. Do you need the other planets? Mercury acts like the famous god Cupid: you tell him who you like and he directs his arrow of love directly into his heart. The Moon exerts a magnetism on you that attracts others like “moths to a flame.” But when it comes to deciding who should stay with you longer, Saturn makes the right choice thanks to his foresight. Jupiter crowns your love with a wedding, perhaps with a child and certainly with great feelings.

Career and money
The world is in great crisis. Pessimism is spreading to the point of the apocalypse. But with the friendly position of Jupiter you know the only right therapy, that is, positive thinking. Visions of a better future for our world are born in the minds of Cancers in 2024 and, over time, infect all the other eleven zodiac signs. For you personally, the road to the future and upward is easier in the first half of the year, in August and December. There is certainly nothing wrong if you take advantage of opportunities to be active with your skills in a team or association.

The most favorable influences come from the Sun and Jupiter. Saturn and Neptune are also important. They all require you to take care of your health yourself, so don’t consult doctors right away. Buy a health guide and then deal with any symptoms yourself: you will be a good healer.

Cancer and its partners
In 2024 there will be emotions and problems with Aries. Taurus wants to be seduced: great fun. Flirting with Gemini makes you loose and sexy. Another Cancer throws you into emotional chaos: exhausting, but beautiful! Leo spoils you. It’s flattering and easy on the wallet. Virgo is smart: it seems like a happy ending in front of the registry office. The best advisor for work and finances is Libra, but in bed there are problems. For Scorpio you do scandalous things. With Sagittarius you melt. With a Capricorn, fear of the future dissipates. Aquarius is very sexy. Pisces is very much in love with you. But when you make plans together, he hides.

A fantastic year awaits you. It starts immediately with Jupiter constantly giving you a hand and many gifts of luck in the first six months. The Sun, in turn, brings out the youth within you. Sometimes you will feel younger than you actually are and you will enjoy it. It is not uncommon for women among you to become pregnant. The most important wish of a person born under the sign of Cancer then comes true: a family.

Uranus is on the heels of all those who have already retired or who no longer work for some other reason. He wants you to throw yourself into something new. It can be anything you haven’t done your entire life. Perhaps learn astrology or begin another mediumistic study. Or go back to school on a further training course at an adult education centre. Or maybe you will become a volunteer in a social camp. It doesn’t matter what it is: you will be reborn and you will be very happy.

What the stars have in store for you
2024 will be an exceptional year for you, full of successes and innovations. For this you have to thank the Sun, the dominant planet of the year. Of course, because the Sun is also your personal ruling planet. So it can only bring good things for you. Additionally, Jupiter will turn to your zodiac sign at the end of May. As the name suggests, Jupiter brings good luck. You can expect favors, perhaps even fame and glory. But there’s more. We shouldn’t forget Pluto, who will spend most of next year in Aquarius, just opposite your star sign of Leo. This could herald a major romance, either with your current partner, who you already live with, or with a completely new person in your life.

What to pay attention to
Saturn and Neptune will linger in the sign of Pisces for the entire next year. Caution is advised. This position does not necessarily lead to disorders or illnesses. But if you are careless and careless with yourself in 2024, there may be unpleasant consequences. However, if you take care of your health, you will get through the year unscathed.

Love and passion
At the end of May Jupiter, the largest of all planets, assumes a position considered the most beautiful and best in astrology. You can expect to meet and bond with a person who is destined by the stars. You are entering the garden of love. Your passion awakens. In your current relationship, things may be as hot as they were in the beginning. However, it is also possible that your demands for love will become too great for your current partner, which could lead to a separation. Jupiter not only brings lust, but above all cosmic love. You need to understand each other and feel within yourselves that you are made for each other.

Career and money
It would be better to spend the first half of the year abroad, take a long holiday or dedicate your time at home to the things you care about. But this also has its advantages: you will become better. The more experience you gain during this period, the more skilled you will be when Jupiter reaches your sign in June and stays there for a long time. With Jupiter you have the best prospects for a career leap. Everything you tackle will be successful, including your ambitions to become self-employed, but especially in regards to your desire to become more prosperous.

Health and wellness
Health will occupy a large space in your life in 2024. This does not mean that you are somehow at risk. On the contrary, Jupiter makes you healthier. But you can greatly sustain its effect if you pay attention to a few things. Regular short periods of relaxation are important, during which you can completely switch off. For example, you can jog often, but not for too long. Yoga is also ideal. If you have to go in a hurry, breathing exercises and some stretching at work can help.

Leo and his partners
Leo and Aries need tolerant neighbors, because their passion makes the walls shake. Sex yes, friendship yes, love no! it is the rule of the relationship with Taurus. With Gemini you are not given to passionate love adventures, but for this reason you cannot laugh much with anyone, not even in bed. Seducing Cancer is a lot of fun – but the likelihood of him becoming more and more introverted and you more and more dominant is high. Another Leo will not be discouraged. Conclusion: sex explodes all the senses, everyday life becomes an exhausting titanic battle. You get along well with Virgo, but only if he is as playful as you. You immediately fall in love with Libra, because he flatters you with sweet words and is very tender in bed. Sex with a Scorpio is like a climb to the pinnacle. After which follows the crash into the bottomless pit. Sagittarius and Leo get along splendidly: at work, on the sports field, in bed. With Capricorn and Leo, career becomes increasingly important. With Aquarius you can have a relationship, but in any case a friendship that lasts a lifetime. Heady and intoxicating: Nothing is more exciting than a relationship with Pisces.

If you are under 25 years old
You probably don’t even realize how lucky you are. It seems completely normal and natural to you. However, you may be tempted to shape your life, learn something and get an education. Anything goes, as long as you remember that you are a Leo and that joy and pleasure in life must come first.

With the stars waiting for you in 2024, you can take what comes your way in a relaxed manner. If in previous years you have not been able to live your role as a Leo sufficiently, you will surely embark on a path that will finally allow you to enjoy life.

What the stars have in store for you
This year the sun shines especially for you. You like the Sun and you like it just as much: in 2024 you will certainly be one of his favorite children. He will ensure that nothing happens to you and you will be showered with benevolence and love. Obstacles will be eliminated and you will be pushed forward. Until the end of May, Jupiter will also take care of you. There is nothing better. The Sun and Jupiter set the stage for everything that concerns you.

What to pay attention to
Saturn and Neptune are exactly opposite your zodiac sign all year round. Sometimes these two have a different vision of things than yours. You may want to achieve something big, but Saturn and Neptune believe that even simple or second-hand things are enough. Your desires are sometimes too big and don’t always come true as you would like. But the two know what is best for you.

Love and passion
The Sun brings you real benefits. It gives you youth, eros and an almost magical attraction. As a woman, you will have intimate contact with more men in the coming months than you have in recent years combined. As a man, you will try to seduce as many women as possible. Fidelity and monogamy are not easy virtues in 2024. You should know this. If it’s a fling, it may be a consolation that in 99 cases out of 100 it doesn’t have much to do with love. The real driving forces are lust, sensuality and sex. The strongest periods for love are March, May, August and October. If you are thinking of getting married, the stars advise you to say “I do” in May or October.

Career and money
A moment of stellar luck awaits you in May: more money, more influence, more responsibility and a job suited to your talent are guaranteed. One aspect that will play an important role throughout the year is competition. In 2024 you will immediately feel threatened, even if there is usually nothing behind it. But you can be more relaxed.

The Sun, ruler of the year, is a fiery element. It could overheat your astrological sweet spot, the gut. You must pay attention to this aspect and drink spring water or herbal teas daily. And you will certainly know that you can also balance and moderate the fiery Sun through sport.

Virgo and her partner
Sex with Aries is beastly. But daily life together costs more nerves than you have. With Taurus you dance between sensual days and lustful nights. With a Gemini you enjoy one or the other hot night. But your heart remains cold and uninvolved. With Virgo and Cancer, however, everything shines: belly, heart and head – a bond for life. The night with Leo is a real pleasure. Two Virgos love each other like brothers after the initial fireworks: it could get boring. You will hardly resist Libra, but their love is not enough for a lifetime. Scorpio is your destiny: if he wants you, he will have you. And then you will be like wood pulp in his hands. Sagittarius is a partner for stimulating conversations. An unbeatable couple in all practical situations of life are Virgo and Capricorn. In bed, however, successes are rare. With Aquarius there is too often a time problem: if he wants, you don’t want – and vice versa. Pisces and Virgo? In the long run they are frustrating!

Usually we live following our feelings and not the stars. This will be even more true next year, with some exceptions.

Your name says it: Virgo. The meaning is that you will always remain young. You don’t have to do anything about this, the stars will take care of it. It also means that even at an advanced age you are not ready for the classic senior life. There are Virgos who still fall in love at 75.

What the stars have in store for you
As the ruler of the year, the Sun, you have a special relationship with it. Its light is very special to you and helps you dispel any darkness from your life. In 2024 you will not only have the Sun on your side, but also Jupiter, which will accompany you for seven months, from June to December. This is truly a divine gift that you will be able to unwrap. But that is not all. Pluto, a powerful star that has been in tension with your sign for the last 20 years, now comes to you as a friend. He will help you unravel and resolve the stories of your ancestors.

What to pay attention to
Saturn is the planet that watches over you and sometimes seems like a referee, blowing the whistle when you don’t respect the rules. In 2024, however, Saturn takes a break and keeps a low profile. Even if it seems nice at first that no one is constantly lecturing you, now you have to take care of yourself. This means that you will have to be careful not to make any mistakes.

Love and passion
Thanks to the Sun, and from June thanks to Jupiter, your desire for true love becomes even stronger. Problems could only arise if your partner is very different and doesn’t share your euphoria. But don’t worry, there are other fascinating people you can look up to. The moments of greatest intimacy and passion will be in January, June, September and October. For singles, crazy, wild and unconventional adventures are the order of the day all year round, but the best candidates will meet you in August. However, this is unlikely to turn into anything more than hot sex. Men and women are playing with their independence just like you. In the fall, your desire for people who only ignite your passion fades. You want someone you can trust not only with your bedroom, but also with your heart.

Career and money
You are one of the favorite zodiac signs of 2024: the Sun and Jupiter are in a position with respect to your zodiac sign that gives you a real aura of happiness. In everything you do, you are always accompanied by a portion of luck. Even in the lottery you have more chances than usual. But to be truly successful, it is essential to correct your hesitant attitude. You tend to take a long time before making decisions and this causes you to miss many opportunities. In 2024, Jupiter plans a large-scale advertising campaign for you, which will give you great support. You can involve agencies, but ultimately it’s up to you to decide if you want to go big. You have many undiscovered talents and the year 2024 wants you to unleash them.

Relationship stress has a negative effect on your health. It can cause feelings of cold or heat, back problems and even migraines. Saturn’s lack of influence increases your vulnerability. But fortunately Jupiter is in a wonderful position to help you live mindfully, consciously and healthily.

Libra and its partners
The impulsive Aries fascinates you because he is so different and his passion surpasses everything you know. Taurus is stubborn and short-tempered, and as soon as he reaches orgasm he is already full, even though you are still hungry. Sex all night, chaos during the day: you and Gemini are a great couple – but who takes care of the shopping, cleaning and paying the bills? With Cancer you can talk very well and always count on him when you need him, but he is not a one night stand person. With Leo you will experience endless orgies of cuddles, including sex. If you are also willing to accept the direction things will take, you are in good hands. Virgo always has a plan in mind, even during sex. However, with her you will not reach the nirvana of love. For two Libras, however, sex is like a dance in which both partners become more and more weightless. Pure sex is in the air when Scorpio approaches you. But you can also get along with him before and after – promising! Sagittarius is always by your side: a true friend, a faithful colleague and a great lover. Sex with a Capricorn is wonderful. And as a colleague you can count on him one hundred percent. You have always had a soft spot for Aquarius. Now that Jupiter is the matchmaker, she might even become the love of your life. You can’t think of anything to say about Pisces: an enigma.

What the stars have in store for you
2024 holds great opportunities for you: the Sun rules the year, Saturn extends its hand to you and Jupiter is exactly opposite your zodiac sign until May 24th. Following your karma and being successful is therefore entirely in your nature. The Sun ensures that your efforts do not get out of hand and that you feel in tune with yourself. Jupiter accompanies you until the end of May and simply gives you luck. Its opposite position to your zodiac sign indicates that luck is really favorable to you, it literally floods you and sometimes even makes you stumble. You can count on overall benefits. Starting from small things, like a fantastic deal when shopping, up to, in some cases, winning money in the lottery.

What to pay attention to
Pay attention to Uranus, which is also opposite your zodiac sign. This already happened last year, but in 2024 its effect could become stronger thanks to the reaction of the Sun. This could lead to restlessness in your life. So make sure you have moments of relaxation!

Love and passion
What does love look like in 2024? Pleasant, stress-free and relaxed! You will realize day by day that your union is not mainly made up of obligations, but of tenderness, affectionate words, kind gestures and spontaneous ideas. You will have sex more often and get more pleasure from it. But it will never be the same as before: you have become more mature and stronger. This is particularly advantageous for singles, because you will show yourself for who you are from the beginning, without pretensions or embellishments. This way you won’t have to correct anything later, thus avoiding boring discussions. Are there any new partners in sight? Yes, but “not many, but better”. Under the influence of Uranus, in recent years you have let many strange birds into your heart who later turned out to be unsuitable for a relationship. In 2024 these candidates will stay away. The best time for love is March, May, June, September and October.

Career and money
Your ruling planet Pluto is on hiatus in 2024. But that doesn’t mean you can forget about him. His position creates tension and challenges you. You must realize that this year you are setting the course for the next ten years. The stars’ roadmap does not foresee everything continuing as before. You need new ideas. You are not obliged to implement them immediately next year, but assuming that everything will remain as before would be wrong. In the second half of the year you will absolutely have to look for allies and look around you: You are stronger as a team than alone.

You feel stronger than you are and therefore you could easily exceed your limits, especially in the first half of the year, and forget important relaxation phases. Physical symptoms that remind you of this neglect can be sciatica and abdominal problems. To prevent them, natural remedies are useful. Drink plenty of liquids, such as lime blossom tea and water. Eat fruits and vegetables regularly. “Spice” your bath water with relaxing medicinal herbs. And take plenty of breaks outdoors.

Scorpio and his partners
Aries arouses a lot of desire – but with him you will argue so violently that sparks will fly. You are helpless in the face of Taurus’ sex appeal. With Gemini the motto is: what loves, teases. With Cancer everything comes back: thinks like you, feels like you, loves like you. Leo will quickly drive you to despair: keep your hands off him! Virgo is a friend and helper, in good times and bad. Libra’s ease attracts you, especially in October. Another Scorpio? A community of destiny with lots of love. Sagittarius shakes up your life. With Capricorn you instinctively feel: everything will be fine! With Aquarius you should dance towards spring and forget all your worries. Pisces is your number one emotionally, mentally and above all erotically in the coming year!

The year will certainly be pleasant. A lot of interesting things happen, especially in the first half. Often you will even be completely surprised. However, think carefully about whether you want to make a serious commitment now, that is, getting married and perhaps already having a child. It would be better to wait until the end of the year.

The Sun as ruler and Jupiter as partner in the first half of the year will make you experience good moments. They will be even more beautiful if you open up a little in the second half of the year: You might meet interesting people.

What the stars have in store for you
If you want to change something in your life in 2024, be it the place you live, your home or your job, then the year that is about to arrive is the right one for you. There are indications to this effect everywhere. Especially starting June 1st, there are good deals on the street, so to speak, as Jupiter is now exactly opposite your zodiac sign. But pay attention to Saturn, which is in the zodiac sign of Pisces all year round. This may pose a challenge for you. But if you think and look carefully, you can still make the best of this situation.

What to consider
In the first half of the year Jupiter is in a less favorable sector. This means that you will have to take care of your health.

Love and passion
The Sun and, from May 25, Jupiter make possible the miracles you have dreamed of since puberty: that you are not simply loved, but also understood. May you meet a person so generous as to make every desire possible, even if crazy. May it take you on a journey to the land of Fantasy and make you feel like you are in a fairy tale. Too good to be true? Perhaps! But moments of happiness like these are certainly possible in the Year of the Sun. If this is not yet the case in the first half of the year, will a promising peak phase begin in May? Jupiter in the most divine position offers you a complete all-round program: romance, eroticism, passion, devotion and lots of fun! If you are still single in autumn, you will make the final decision in October at the latest: You have found the right person.

Career and money
The stars have only one intention: to make you stronger, until you do what you are truly made for. For a long time you made yourself small, you didn’t dare. Economic crisis, family, cohabitation, spouse: there have always been reasons. But if you are honest with yourself, you have been hiding behind these arguments. Nobody wanted to stop you. You weren’t ready. It can be assumed that in 2024 your professional life will take a new direction. A new phase can begin. This will lead some of you to change jobs. Others, already satisfied, will get more influence, more say, more responsibility and above all more money. And those who have been looking for a long time finally find the job that’s right for them.

Healthy or sick, fit or weak: the course will be set in the first half of 2024. And it’s up to you. You can be careless and continue to live as unhealthy as before: then you will probably have some nasty ailment on your hands before the year is out. But you can also take a crash course in fitness and wellness and implement your own personal health reform. This means abandoning some vices and adopting some healthy habits instead (exercise, therapeutic fasting, massage).

Sagittarius and his partners
Aries is quite demanding, but remains your favorite. Taurus is concerned with finances and can be a passionate cook. But who will travel with you? The fireworks of flirtation put on by Gemini are extraordinary. But the excitement wears off quickly. Cancer needs a lot of attention. It’s definitely not your number. Leo affects you a lot. Virgo is annoying. With Libra, however, the new year is fun: endless celebration. Scorpio (hopefully) sets off all your alarms: Why would you willingly let yourself get stressed? Another Sagittarius: wonderful! The relationship between closeness and distance is right. Capricorn knows everything – and usually everything better than you. Bothersome! Aquarius fascinates you. When you are together with Pisces, you are happy. But such moments are likely relatively rare in 2024.

If you are under 25 years old
You will never truly grow old. You have too much fire for this and are too close to the cosmos. In 2024, the Year of the Sun, this aspect becomes even stronger. You will often be cheerful and happy like little children.

If you are over 50 years old
Important tasks await you. Your cosmic karma, that is, bringing heaven to earth, becomes even more significant. Consider pursuing another profession that is right for you, such as an alternative worker or nurse. But even if you simply need time to follow your destiny, this is right and good.

What the stars have in store for you
You, Capricorn, have strong stars. Especially in the first half of the year, you stand out above most others. If you think of the twelve zodiac signs as mountains, your peak stands particularly high in the sky. The credit goes above all to Jupiter, which opposes your zodiac sign and brings well-intentioned people into your life. You will not be left alone, on the contrary, they will support you and provide you with resources. Saturn, your personal helper planet, is in sextile, which means you can count on him. There are no slips. Pluto has left your zodiac sign of Capricorn. You have worked off your karma and are now free from it. Neptune touches your soul and brings you ever closer to happiness. 2024 is truly a great gift!

What to pay attention to
Perhaps you have become accustomed to encountering difficulties everywhere, which you can overcome thanks to your experience, skill and perseverance. But now all this is over. From 2024 you will have fewer problems. The reason is called Pluto, which has been in your zodiac sign for the last 15 years and has thus served your karma. Saturn, your personal ruling planet, also makes things easier for you, because it is in the zodiac sign of Pisces. There he watches over you, so that you do not make mistakes. But he is friendly, helpful and, at times, even affectionate.

Love and passion
The fact that Jupiter is in a favorable relationship with your zodiac sign from the first day of the year will make you happy. Finally you are lucky again and you don’t have to make endless efforts for everything. The situation starts off well right away, because Venus, the planet of love, is in your zodiac sign from January 25th to February 16th. Even when it is cold in winter outside, a comforting warmth awakens in your heart that is more beautiful than anything else. You are satisfied with yourself, in love with yourself, and that is what you radiate. Many Capricorns will fall in love with a wonderful romance. March also offers great opportunities to fall in love. Then May arrives. At the latest by this time you will already be addicted to love: Engagement, marriage, starting a family are in your stars. In November you will be truly in love again.

Career and money
Pluto is, as mentioned, outside your zodiac sign. Magic or coincidence? In any case, you will now be presented with great offers, tailored to your potential. 2024 is the year you will begin a journey, at the end of which you will be a person who achieves something great. On your way, you won’t have to push. You have time. What you need, however, is trust. Trust in your strengths, in Pluto who liberated you as a powerful person, in the Sun who rules the year and in Jupiter who always supports you in the first half of the year.

In 2024, you should make sure to live healthier and watch your weight. The Sun will help you without limiting your desire to live in the slightest. You won’t miss it, only in healthy doses: a glass of wine, but of great class. Something delicious in gastronomy cannot be missing. In 2024, less is more.

Capricorn and its partners
There is something wrong with an Aries. Both need to get their act together. With a Taurus things will be calmer, but not in bed. With a Gemini you can flirt wonderfully, but you can’t do much more. With a Cancer it is very different: the earth and the water create something very fertile, something from which something can be born – certainly even a child together. The fire sign Leo is also very interesting. With a Virgo in 2024 there will be passionate encounters. How does it work with Libra and Capricorn? Very good! But only as long as you don’t expect to stay. Scorpio will have you addicted to something else in no time. The road to the registry office is not easy, but not impossible: better in February or July. Sagittarius is a short-term pleasure, but enriches the baggage of experiences. Flirting with yet another Capricorn in January could end in a family idyll in the second half of the year. Aquarius lacks contact with the ground. But why not have a short adventure with a “colorful bird”? You don’t always have to think about marriage. With a Pisces, you will immediately think of a stable union.

We hope you were not brought up too rigidly. Then, with your stars, you have great possibilities for fun, joy and, above all, love.

If you don’t work (anymore), you will follow your destiny elsewhere and achieve something great. Perhaps you will grow in the esteem of your classmates or you will be involved in an association and you will be entrusted with important tasks. The best period is the first half of the year.

What the stars have in store for you
The Sun rules the year and this brings benefits to all zodiac signs, as personal qualities are easier to develop. However, for you, Aquarius, something big is added: the planet Pluto is in your zodiac sign. This awakens your strengths. The fact is that 2024 brings with it many changes and you are best suited to deal with them. This Pluto runs very slowly, it needs 20 years to make one revolution around the sun. Therefore, it takes some time for its influence to really be felt. But undoubtedly 2024 marks the beginning of a new era and you are the forerunners. You already know everything that is important.

What to pay attention to
In 2024 things will certainly not be calm. Personal changes also await you. This is why it is important for you to be flexible. Rest assured: Whatever happens, you will benefit and feel strengthened, because you have long been convinced that change is necessary.

Love and passion
The world is open to you. Pluto has been waiting a long time to interfere in your relationship life. In 2024 the time has come: you will meet people who have exactly what you want. Relationships often develop from this point of view. But friendships and collaborations are at least as important. Now you need people who think like you or who motivate you to put your special knowledge into practice. Previous relationships will obviously remain, unless your current partner is ready for the new spirit. In essence, love and collaboration are obviously very important, but deep within you also lurks the desire to change. Then it may be that the theme of love no longer plays the main role.

Career and money
2024 is not easy for anyone. On the other hand, in this year you can go further than in any other. Perseverance, tenacity and high motivation at work are important, but even more important is giving space to your ideas. For you Aquarius there are good chances of making it big in the second half of the year. Jupiter is then found in the zodiac sign of Gemini. There you will find exactly the conditions you need, that is, people who are waiting for something new to happen. It seems that people call you and give you assignments that will make you progress, even financially.

The sun rules the year and therefore also your well-being. Take it literally. Light, sun and above all fresh air are the pillars of your health. Try to consciously speed up your breathing from time to time. Run a few meters, get on a bike and pedal!

Aquarius and its partners
Aries hits you. But as vital as it is to love, he also fights, out of the blue and for no reason. With Taurus you can rest, spend entire weekends between bed and sofa: tremendously relaxing. Gemini wants the same things you want in 2024: flirt, have fun, don’t think about tomorrow. Cancer is right for you. With Leo it’s love at first sight: Accept it. Nothing better will come. Virgo is an organizer: in private, in profession, everywhere. Libra is a good companion and ready for any kind of fun: Keep warm! After your first encounters with a Scorpio, one thing is certain: you don’t want to deal with so much passion and possessiveness. Sagittarius is the man who steals horses. Capricorn hits you, but love rarely works. Another Aquarius – and we fly. Because he knows exactly what you like. With Pisces you start dreaming already at the beginning of the year: so kind, tender, sensitive, but unfortunately also so unreliable.

Aquarians always remain young. This is part of their image. You think you are ahead of the rest of the world and for this reason you keep yourself young at heart, so that you still have a lot of time for the future. In 2024, the year of the Sun and with Pluto in your sign, you are particularly courageous and ready for an exciting life.

As a rule, from the age of 50 your critical spirit also comes into play. Many things you admired when you were young now lose their appeal. But with the Sun ruling and Pluto in your sign, the desire to make the world a better place becomes very strong again and you look around for opportunities to make it happen.

What the stars have in store for you
The Sun rules next year. It is a lucky year for you, because there is a good relationship between the Sun and your zodiac sign, so you will benefit directly from this kingdom. Furthermore, from January 1st to May 24th, almost five months, Jupiter is in an enveloping relationship with your zodiac sign. In astrology it is considered a lucky planet. So you can expect to encounter good fortune several times during the first half of the year. Then, in the second half of April, there will be an exciting meeting between Uranus and Jupiter. It seems that a seed will sprout in you. It is impossible to predict what exactly will come of it. But you can be one hundred percent sure that something will arise that will bring honor to your life and make you happy.

What to pay attention to
Saturn is in your zodiac sign all year round. In astrology he is considered bad and represents worries and problems. Can this Saturn undermine your otherwise excellent prospects? Hand! This Saturn is absolutely not negative. In the past astrologers attributed this black dress to him. Modern astrology sees it differently. Today we know that this Saturn embodies above all the wisdom of old age. It does not make us tired or slow, but wise and knowledgeable.

Love and passion
The ruler of the year, the Sun, strengthens your heart, makes you cheerful, increases the pleasure of lust and love, and helps you switch off more easily, feel more deeply, and let go more easily. Pluto’s withdrawal causes one or two problems to disappear from your couple. It’s as if heaven, with a magical plan, eliminates everything that isn’t good for your relationship. Singles also generously take care of them. Become a little kinder. This is precisely what increases your popularity. Don’t be offended if Jupiter now gives you even a little lesson. The intentions are good: you are an absolutely lovable person. The observation in some astrology books that you are cold or even hypothermic is nonsense. But you often don’t give the other person the space they need to really warm up. If you sometimes become more wait-and-see and passive, your love will benefit enormously in the calendar year 2024, and you will certainly not end up single.

Career and money
In January Jupiter moves into a fabulously favorable position for you. If you want to change something, you should implement your plans now. When making decisions, follow your instincts and not necessarily your head. We have already talked about a particularly important period for changes, namely the second half of April. Some Pisces are likely to change direction completely. It is certain that at the end of the year everyone will be happy and will have more money in their pockets.

How is your health? The most important thing is to treat the symptoms not only classically medically, but also psychologically. You have to ask yourself what the consequences are, especially if you profit indirectly. The stars say: in 2024 intuition is at least as important as tablets or other drugs. You should get to the bottom of your symptoms yourself!

Pisces and their partner
You like Aries. But you only play a supporting role in her life. Therefore, you are only suitable as casual lovers. With Taurus, however, it’s the opposite: he prefers to stay at home, on the sofa. But you don’t want to be so welcoming. With Gemini you have beautiful conversations about God and the world. With Cancer you immediately understand in January: it’s the right one! Leo is the best companion: enjoy it. Virgo brings order to your life. With Libra, dreams come true. With Scorpio, all your wishes come true: Your number one! Sagittarius motivates you, strengthens you and supports you: he is a great friend and an affectionate lover. When you have broken your hard shell with Capricorn, the path is clear for a harmonious relationship. Aquarius is attractive. Another Pisces is an emotional tug of war: stressful.

Everything suggests that you are having a lot of fun and that you don’t ask yourself often and for long, but that you follow your heart, or rather your instinct. Love is always beautiful, but especially in February. There are quite a few Pisces who in this period will meet the person who will then stay with them forever.

A little old age wisdom can’t hurt you now that Saturn is in your zodiac sign. It is very likely that many Pisces will now start a new life, perhaps in business, perhaps in love, or perhaps both.

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