AXL Furniture offers various models of furniture for every environment of your home, villa or hotel. Thanks to several years of experience in the market, qualified staff and the material we use for the production of furniture, we offer quality products with a 10-year guarantee.
In our stores you have a variety of furniture selections that we offer, but we also make custom products, adapting to your environment and demand.
Products Offered:
Our Stores:
St. Myslym Shyri, 100m in front of the gas station, Tirana.
Bajram Curri Boulevard, in front of the Court, Tirana.
St. Ferit Xhajko, in front of Durrësi Restaurant, Tirana.
Blue Boulevard, 500m before Tapiza bridge (Qerek), direction Tirana – Fushë Krujë.
200m below the intersection of Cërrik, Elbasan.
For more information, contact us!
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