Hypertension, or high blood pressure, occurs when blood circulates in the capillaries with a force higher than what is considered healthy. When blood pressure is high, it can damage the walls of the body’s arteries and veins. Such a phenomenon, when prolonged, can cause dangerous complications if left untreated.
High blood pressure has no exact warning symptoms. The damage caused by high tension is numerous, starting from bone health to the respiratory system.
- Blood circulation system: Although the damage that high blood pressure causes starts as something small, the longer it remains untreated, the more it endangers the body. Since it is directly related to blood circulation, the first damage is caused precisely to the walls of the blood vessels. Small cracks are created in the capillaries, arteries and veins as a result of the high blood pressure moving through them. Cholesterol molecules accumulate in these cracks, causing narrowing and even blockage. If something like this happens, the blood supply is not at its maximum capacity, and it damages the organ to which it should carry blood. On the other hand, when the blood vessels are blocked, the heart has to work harder, which leads to enlargement of the ventricles. As a result, it can cause chest pain or, in the most severe cases, a heart attack.
- Nervous system: According to experts, to whom AgroWeb.org refers, a poor blood supply to the brain causes problems with memory and the formation of thoughts. The same thing that happens to the arteries and veins of the heart happens to those of the brain. If blood vessels in the brain become blocked, ischemia can occur. But if part of the brain doesn’t have enough oxygen, its cells begin to die.
- Body skeleton: High blood pressure also causes loss of bone density, or as it is otherwise known as osteoporosis. According to the data, high blood pressure increases the levels of calcium that the body excretes. Not allowing bone cells time to absorb the amount they need to regenerate.
- Respiratory system: Like the brain and heart, the arteries in the lungs can become damaged and blocked. When the arteries that supply blood to the lungs become blocked, they require immediate intervention. As they can cause enlargement of the artery walls and damage to their elasticity.
- Urinary system: The kidneys help the body remove harmful substances from the blood, regulate blood volume and blood pressure. But to perform this function, they must have healthy blood vessels. High blood pressure damages both the blood vessels outside the kidneys and the capillaries inside them. If something like this happens over a long period of time, the damage does not allow the kidneys to function properly. The most severe cases of these cases are such severe damage to this organ that transplantation is the only solution. Hypertension causes damage at a slow rate and is almost hidden for a long time. Therefore, a healthy food diet with as little sugar or salt as possible, as well as physical activity, is necessary. It is also necessary to measure blood pressure to control its levels and to prevent severe symptoms.