Foods you should eat in the morning!

The well-being of the organism during the day is related to the way of nutrition in the morning. Not in vain, experts do not stop evaluating breakfast as the most important meal of the day. In the morning, the body receives all the necessary nutrients thanks to which it can face the challenges of the day. However, in the morning one should be careful in selecting the right nutrients. Below you will learn about the foods that should and should not be eaten in the morning.

Eggs: Eggs are a great breakfast choice. Eggs contain a lot of protein and nutrients that boost metabolism and deliver energy.

Watermelon: Watermelon is an excellent choice. They contain water and lycopene that supports the heart and eyes.

Oats: Oats are a fantastic choice. According to data from, oats prevent damage to the stomach and are very rich in fiber. The latter lowers the cholesterol level and strengthens the metabolism.

Blueberries: Blueberries are rich in nutrients and regulate blood pressure. They stimulate metabolism, improve memory, concentration and attention.

Cornmeal Porridge: This is another ideal choice to start the day. In this way, you will clean the organism, remove heavy metals and toxins and improve the bacterial flora.

Honey: If you start the day by eating honey, you will have more energy and mood. According to data, honey improves serotonin production and makes you more productive during the day.

Buckwheat: Buckwheat contains many minerals and vitamins that stimulate the body. Buckwheat is also rich in protein.

Walnuts: Eating walnuts in the morning regulates the level of weight in the stomach and improves digestion. Products and foods that should not be consumed on an empty stomach.

Citrus fruits: Lemon, orange or citrus contain a lot of vitamin C. However, data shows that citrus fruits are not an ideal choice for breakfast because the high acidity causes heartburn and increases the likelihood of ulcers.

Spicy foods: In general, spicy foods are good for health, but they should not be eaten in the morning. In this meal they irritate the digestive system and cause heartburn.

Banana: Banana should not be eaten on an empty stomach because it increases magnesium levels in the blood and causes heart problems.

Carbonated Drinks: These drinks are the worst choice you can make in the morning. They are rich in sugar and slow down the metabolism.

Green Vegetables: Green vegetables are rich in amino acids that cause bloating and heartburn. Moreover, they irritate the stomach and cause abdominal pain.

Tomatoes: Stomach-irritating tannic acid can cause ulcers and heartburn. Consequently, tomatoes should be consumed at lunch.

Pears: The fiber in pears causes stomach pain and damages the lining of the stomach.

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