The game of seduction is subtle and not always expressed in words. In fact, in the early stages of rapprochement between a man and a woman who like each other, most of the communication takes place non-verbally, i.e. through gestures and postures. These are unconscious movements, related to the chemistry of attraction.
Here is the woman’s body language:
He and She- The ability to express oneself through gestures and body language is much more developed in women than in men, although no one knows exactly why. In part, these are ancestral gifts, in part a skill refined over centuries of cultural and social mores.
The so-called “first step” has been a male prerogative for centuries: above all, in upper-class classes, the relationship between the two sexes was regulated by a rigid ceremonial, in which women had very little space to express themselves. with words. The exchange of glances, small gestures, movements of hands or head were sometimes the only way in which one could communicate or try to intuit the thought and interest of another. Whatever the reason, women are much better at communicating this way than men.
Gaze – Even the eyes speak loudly: listening to him while he speaks, keeping the gaze towards him and the eyebrows raised and especially if the pupil of the eye is enlarged, then the message is clear: we are flirting. But be careful: a very steady and prolonged look over time can be interpreted as a threat or a desire to impose one’s will, scaring a shy guy. Better soften the expression with a sweet smile. To impress, it is useful to learn to smile with your eyes.
Feet – They are a powerful tool of seduction. Crossing them when you sit down is an elementary way to attract attention. It is a gesture that expresses certainty and decision, especially if we rotate the tip of the foot; staying on the topic of legs, the technique of “leg” under the table is universally known and requires no comment. Wearing high heels and the pain is becoming unbearable? Don’t worry: if we flaunt a little (and discreetly) and someone notices, the gesture won’t necessarily be understood, but it will convey the idea that we feel relaxed and in our comfort zone.
Mouth- It is one of the points on which men’s gaze is focused when he has a woman he likes in front of him. If we touch our lips, if we keep them slightly open or eat our lips we express pleasure and approval of what we see and hear.
Contact – Even without going to obvious gestures like a hug, if we are in the presence of someone we like, our unconscious will prompt us to shorten the distances as much as possible and seek physical contact, even if very short. So be careful, if we don’t want to inadvertently reveal too much of our thinking: the tongue can lie, but it’s much harder for the body.
I like you, come closer – Some gestures are already known: touching the hair, playing with a necklace or a shirt collar, licking the lips are a clear signal to attract attention and invite the other person to come closer. If there is a handsome guy in front of us, the signal is clear: we are interested in him. The message is even clearer if, touching the hair, we discover the ear or the throat, or even more so if we touch the neck, one of the most delicate and sensitive erogenous zones. The persistent gesture of twirling the hair around the finger conveys the opposite message, which is a sign of boredom.
Stay away!- If we don’t like our interlocutor or what he says is not to our taste, we do our best to increase the distance between us. For example, we can see that we have slightly supported our back and, if we are near a table, we can instinctively place an object between us and it, such as a glass, a napkin or a bag. However, the easiest way to discourage a persistent cavalier is a sideways glance or something boring if we’re feeling bored. You do not understand? The only thing left is to rely on the old systems, politely and firmly saying that we don’t want it.