Monthly Horoscope January 2024

Horoskopi Mujor Prill 2024

1st 10 days: between the 4th and the 17th, Mars (your ruling planet) will occupy the zenith of your zodiac and you will have to make efforts. First to finish a job, but also to control your fiery temper thanks to the reasonable adult in you. He must assert himself with his weapons and not with those of the child (anger).

2nd 10 days: from the 1st to the 10th, it is the Sun which will illuminate your professional sector, so it is a good period to establish yourself in your company and showcase your skills. Your ambitions will be at the forefront, but be careful not to frighten them!

3rd 10 days: until the 14th, watch for a dissonance between Mercury and Neptune. Your ideas and opinions will be put forward, perhaps because of events that are not happening on our soil, and you risk being influenced by people who are ideological.

1st 10 days: You will have good influences from dynamic and enterprising Mars from January 4 to 17 . Take full advantage of this period to expand your business, luck will be with you as long as you concentrate and invest fully in what you want to develop. In addition, with Saturn’s help, it will be solid.

2nd 10 days: solar influxes are fulfilling and you will feel them between the 1st and 10th of the month . That is to say that you will have confidence in yourself, in your abilities, and that you will transmit this to those with whom you will be in relationship. We may make you an offer soon.

3rd 10 days: beware the first two weeks of the month ! You risk being overconfident financially. Don’t lend money during this time, watch your portfolio, and don’t make any investments that seem too good to be true.

1st 10 days: Venus invites itself into your couple sector, you could meet someone. Except the first three days of January: Venus is in dissonance with Saturn and you will not feel attractive, unable to please, or bad about yourself.

2nd 10 days: only the Sun will look at you this month! From the 1st to the 10th, take the time to look into your accounting and find ways to save money. This will be very useful to you later if you get a big bill or if you have work to do.

3rd 10 days: prudence is the mother of safety! Be vigilant in your relationships with certain people around you. You have already dealt with their duplicity, it is not new, but it will be accentuated until the 14th. A loved one can tell you stories and you will feel it.

1st 10 days: Mars opposes you from the 4th to the 17th, there may be a power struggle, a quarrel and you should not add fuel to the fire . You have every interest in adopting a conciliatory attitude, in compromising as long as Mars is there. Afterwards, you will be free to act as you wish.

2nd 10 days: it is the solar star which will be facing you from the 1st to the 10th! But it will, for many of you, be an advantage in any form of relationship. You will shine thanks to your experience and the skills you have acquired. The next good influxes from Jupiter will attract success.

3rd 10 days: it is Mercury which will not be at its best until the 14th, its dissonance with Neptune can accentuate your worried nature . You will be a little too sensitive to the attitude of someone close to you, probably a brother or sister. But a colleague can also cause you trouble.

1st 10 days: the return of Pluto in Aquarius, facing you, will take place while the Sun has also just entered this sign (the 20th and 21st). Pluto’s opposition could release forces that you haven’t used until now and allow you to have more power.

2nd 10 days: the Sun in Capricorn will watch you until January 10. A period when you can get noticed in your job, or find one if you are looking. The only problem that is likely to arise will be due to a slightly exaggerated tendency towards perfectionism.

3rd 10 days: Mercury gives you the floor and you can be sure of being listened to. But stay within the limits imposed on you, don’t try to influence your interlocutors… In fact, you won’t always tell them what you think and that could turn against you.

1st 10 days: you will receive good influxes from Mars, planet of activity and energy from the 4th until the 17th . Take situations head-on, get deeply involved in your activity: with Mars/Jupiter harmony, you will quickly achieve your goals. Success is there…

2nd 10 days: you too are well served by the stars this month and it has only just begun! You are free to impose yourself, as long as you overcome your reserve, or even your shyness. The situation promises you that, in this case, you will achieve your objectives.

3rd 10 days: your planet, Mercury, is in dissonance with Neptune until the 14th. Avoid believing in promises that will obviously not be kept. But you will so want it to be true! Don’t let anyone have too much influence over you and manipulate you.

1st 10 days: Venus will be your best friend until January 8, except for the 1st , 2 and 3 where you will not feel at your best if you are from the very beginning of the sign . You may miss someone or have a little financial problem to deal with.

2nd 10 days: from the 17th, you will have to make efforts to maintain peace in the family . There will be arguments in the air and you will spend your time trying to ease tensions, which will be exhausting. Why not let them sort it out for themselves?

3rd 10 days: Mercury’s dissonance with Neptune will last until the 14th, so draw your defense weapons, and in particular your critical sense . You really have to use it because certain people close to you (and sometimes very close people) will tend to tell you lies. Don’t be fooled!

1st 10 days: the entry of the Sun into Aquarius, followed by that of Pluto , will be one of the highlights of this month of January. There may be a sudden change of heart, a turnaround that will not fail to amaze you, especially if you were born in the first days of the sign.

2nd 10 days: solar influences coming from Capricorn will be positive and will encourage you to be more curious about everything than usual. Is it the news that will interest you, or what is happening in your immediate surroundings? Everything could be subject to reflection or discussion.

3rd 10 days: your exchanges will not be facilitated by the dissonance between Mercury and Neptune. You will feel that you are dealing with manipulative people, but you will not be able to do anything other than interact with them. Imply that you are not fooled.

1st 10 days: Venus entered your home at the end of December and is in dissonance with Saturn until January 7. It’s depressing but be patient, Saturn will leave you alone at the end of February and you will be quiet for about 7 years. With great chances in 2025.

2nd 10 days: few planets look at your decan, only the Sun will do so between the 1st and the 10th, from the rigorous sign of Capricorn. Apparently, you have to restrict your spending, and sometimes save yourself, as your energy is not at its best until mid-February.

3rd 10 days: you will be sensitive to the presence of Mercury in your home, your relationships with your loved ones will be at the forefront , but Mercury will be in dissonance with Neptune until the 14th and we will be too dependent on you, or it is you who will become aware of an addiction.

1st 10 days: you are no longer concerned by the Sun but by Mars, which enters your home on the 4th and will only form good aspects. You will be in exceptional shape, ready to act, to take on others or even to make an important decision.

2nd 10 days: we will wish you happy birthday from the 1st to the 10th. The Sun does not form any aspect but it invites you to assert yourself more. Know that very soon (mid-February) Jupiter will be looking at you: everything you undertake after January 17 will bear beautiful fruit in February.

3rd 10 days: poorly placed and badly aspected, Mercury and its convoluted reasoning will not be of much use to you. Instead, listen to your instinct, your intuition, you won’t be wrong: your feelings about those you meet will be the right one, above all, listen to yourself!

1st 10 days: the Sun in Capricorn indicates that you are preparing something, and it is true that there can be a strong moment when the Sun and Pluto enter your home (the 20th, 21st): or it is you who will decide to change your life, or life will force you to change.

2nd 10 days: with the Sun in sector 12 from January 1 to 10, stay a little in the shadows. Adopt a reserved attitude and devote yourself to your usual activities. Don’t get involved in anything during these few days, as certain things could come back to you like a boomerang. Caution.

3rd 10 days: Mercury is well placed until the 14th, in your sector of projects, but its dissonance with Neptune can prove misleading, illusory and accentuate your tendency towards utopia. Carefully analyze the ideas that come to you or that are given to you.

1st 10 days: Venus has been giving you trouble since the end of December, but take courage, it won’t last . Are you missing just one being and everything is depopulated? That’s what you may feel, but nature abhors a vacuum and someone will quickly come along to fill it.

2nd 10 days: you have complete freedom to act, think and live as you wish (until the 20th) . You feel totally independent: you are the captain of your ship. May this feeling continue throughout the year: believe in your chances.

3rd 10 days: until the 14th, Neptune will bother you but not everyone! It is Mercury who will be in dissonance with her and we will try to make you believe things that do not exist (born after March 15). But you have already been there many times, you have weapons to defend yourself.

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