Weekly Horoscope 11-17 December 2023

Those born in Aries will have to try a little harder and seek new horizons. You have been stuck in a stalemate for far too long. It’s time to put your pride aside and try something new , without expecting to be able to show your worth right away. Be prepared to push yourself hard, but don’t despair: there is always someone next to you willing to support you.

Curb your enthusiasm, dear ones born in Taurus . You are right to dream and aim high, but be careful not to bite off more than you can chew . If you don’t approach the situation cautiously, you risk only hurting yourself . Don’t exaggerate and try to be realistic in your goals. There will be time to pursue more ambitious projects later.

A leap into the void is what is needed for those born in Gemini . You have been far too suspicious lately, you always tend to do your own thing without listening to anyone. You are not the bearers of universal truth, you could learn a lot by giving due weight to the opinions of others. For once try to take a risk and follow a new idea , the results might surprise you.

It’s time to look at the big picture for those born in Cancer . By focusing on the smallest details, you risk losing sight of everything around you , from your long-term goals to the people closest to you. Don’t fixate on commas, take a step back and take time to welcome the reality of things as a whole into yourself.

Those born in Leo will have to resign themselves to letting go of the reins a little. You are bending over backwards to maintain control of a situation that is now out of your reach . These days nothing seems to go as planned, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. The stars will reward you if you demonstrate the right flexibility , don’t give up already.

Look and move on , dear Virgo -borns . It’s not worth stooping to the level of those who are hostile to you, show the other cheek and continue living your life. Those who want to bring you down are just waiting for your reaction to justify their actions. Demonstrate maturity and leniency and the people around you will behave accordingly.

Too much focus on those born in Libra in the coming days. On the one hand, you will have many opportunities to show off your best qualities and demonstrate your value. On the other hand, these displays of competence will put you on everyone’s radar, you may find yourself overwhelmed by responsibilities and requests for help. Don’t take everything into your own hands, limit yourself to guiding those who need it in the right direction .

A smile is what it takes to change the day of those born in Scorpio . Your defeatism is your main enemy, it’s time to silence it. Try to face your problems with a little more optimism , without immediately shooting yourself in the foot at the first obstacle. A positive mindset leads to a more efficient and stimulating working and personal environment .

The wind bends you but does not break you, dear people born in Sagittarius . You are in a very chaotic period of your life, full of changes and revolutions in your routine. The stars observe you carefully and give you the confidence and courage necessary to face every new obstacle without losing sight of who you really are .

Radical transformation coming for those born in Capricorn . You have ambitious goals that you cannot achieve without a minimum of effort. If you seriously believe in it, it’s time to evolve and grow , to leave every excuse behind and to dedicate yourself 100% to your future. Don’t be afraid to cut some dry branches, don’t let uncertainties slow you down .

For every closed door, a new one opens for those born in Aquarius . Don’t waste time crying over spilled milk, try to use this new situation to your advantage . For every missed opportunity there are two more that you are not yet making the most of. Get back up and try again , without letting failures depress you.

We proceed one step at a time for those born in Pisces . You have long-term aspirations, but you are still far from concrete results. Nonetheless, every day you bring home a little more confidence and skills, a sign of your growth. Continue on your path , without being intimidated by the amount of work in front of you.

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