Weekly Horoscope 22-28 January 2024

Dear Aries, unfortunately this week – starting from Wednesday – the planet Venus will make an unfavorable transit for your sign, bringing you some more heartaches in the next period… Worries and stress will not be lacking even in the workplace, in which you will find yourself dealing with Mars and Mercury, also in an unfavorable position. Bet everything on the lucky moon days : Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Dear Taurus, starting from Wednesday the planet Venus will be active again in your favor , ready to give you an end of January full of beautiful emotions! It will be a lucky period both from a sentimental and professional point of view: Jupiter in conjunction and Mercury, also favorable , help you find new opportunities or make important decisions regarding work.

Dear Gemini, finally – starting from Wednesday – the planet Venus will no longer be in opposition to your sign! It hasn’t been easy for you recently, having to face difficulties related to both work and your romantic relationship, but now you will be able to find the lost balance and start again first and foremost with yourself. Super-lucky day, with the moon in your sign: Monday.

Dear Cancer, unfortunately this week it will be the planet Venus’s turn to enter into opposition to your sign , together with Mars and Mercury… Love will give you a hard time in the next period, and you could experience moments of strong stress and come to question your relationship. This week, however, you can count on the help of a beautiful moon in conjunction on Tuesday and Wednesday, which will give you good energy.

Dear Leo, make the most of the beneficial influence of the planet Venus , which will remain active in your favor until Wednesday: if you need to take a step forward or address a conversation that is important to you with your partner, don’t put it off! On Thursday, Friday and Saturday you can count on a beautiful lucky moon in conjunction , which could bring you good news… At work, Jupiter invites you to evaluate your choices carefully.

Dear Virgo, starting from Wednesday the planet Venus will return to your side : if love has given you a hard time in recent weeks, now you will be able to find serenity and good communication with your partner. Sunday in particular, when you have a beautiful moon in your sign, will be a decidedly romantic day . The scope of the work is fortunate, with answers or confirmation that could arrive between Tuesday and Wednesday…

Dear Libra, this week will see the entry of the planet Venus into the sign of Capricorn : unfortunately it will be an unfavorable transit for your sign, which could bring you – starting from Wednesday – some more love pain… Even on the work, with Mars and Mercury in an unfavorable position , you could experience moments of stress. Bet everything on the lucky moon days: Thursday and Friday.

Dear Scorpio, starting from Wednesday the planet Venus will be active again in your favor , ready to give you lots of love and passion in the coming weeks! New encounters will be favored by the stars… if you are single, keep your eyes open! On Tuesday and Wednesday a beautiful lucky moon could bring you good news. Nervous moon, however, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, when a mishap could arise…

Dear Sagittarius, this week – starting from Wednesday – the planet Venus will abandon your sign to move into that of Capricorn: in the last period love has been the true protagonist of your days, and now – even if you may not feel more butterflies in your stomach – you will have the opportunity to test your relationship and give it solidity. The moon in opposition on Monday could bring an unexpected event…

Dear Capricorn, and here the planet Venus also enters into conjunction with your sign , also reaching Mars and Mercury! It is a moment of great strength for you, in which there will be no shortage of beautiful emotions, confirmations and satisfactions that you have been waiting for for a long time. Luck will smile on you both in the emotional and professional fields. Just watch out for a nervous moon in the first part of the week …

Dear Aquarius, the planet Venus will remain active in your favor until Wednesday: if you have an unfinished business with your partner or something to clarify, it’s better to do it in the first part of the week. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday the moon will be in opposition and a recent discussion could turn into a real argument… Also be careful in the workplace: the second part of the week could bring some conflicts.

Dear Pisces, finally this week Venus will stop hindering you and will return to acting in your favor! The planet of love – starting from Wednesday – will bring a breath of passion into your life as a couple and, for singles, there will be possible encounters to remember… The work environment is also lucky . Bet everything on the days with a favorable moon: Tuesday and Wednesday. On Sunday, with the moon in opposition, you may feel a little out of sorts…

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