Weekly Horoscope 22-28 Aprill 2024

In the professional or financial sphere, you will overcome difficulties with audacity and bravery. This is thanks to the support of Saturn. Despite the weaknesses along the way, you will hold on! Rather than giving up, you prefer to cross the finish line. It is also the time to immerse yourself in intellectual activities that will open the way to new professional avenues. The situation is ideal for obtaining a promotion or starting a career change.

A quest for perfectionism will affect you in your professional sphere. If you are Capricorn ascendant, your attention to detail will produce an effect contrary to that expected. That is to say a little less efficiency and an increased risk of anxiety. Don’t dwell on trivialities or constantly question your abilities. Regain confidence in your know-how that you tend to ignore. Be conscientious without inflicting guilt on yourself for the slightest mistake!

Your joy of life and your natural tone will shine this week. The I house of your astral sky gives rise to positive energies in you. You will seem to be in harmony with yourself and also with those around you. On the other hand, don’t let anything taint your joy and your radiant smile. That would be so stupid! If you have an important decision to make, your instinct will guide you so as not to make a mistake. You will find the answers inside you. Quite simply.

A friendly crush will appear under the influence of your House XI. Emerging affinities that are likely to solidify over time. You will be social and open to meeting new people. Your empathy will be revealed during these enriching conversations. Frank and honest explanations could also take place within your family circle. You would like to break the ice on subjects that have been tormenting you for a while. It’s relief!

Too directive? YOU ? Highly possible. Whatever happens, the planet Uranus will calm you down. Your strict temperament may take a few days off. You will address your family and friends with more lightness and show that you too know how to relax! If you have children, be careful that they don’t take advantage of it too much. They could drive you crazy! Especially if you are a native of the first decan. Know how to say no!

Single, it seems that you have stumbled upon a bone. The loved one of your heart adopts elusive behavior so much that you are taken aback. The presence of Saturn in your sky attests to many future questions linked to a water sign. You will need a lot of patience to be able to decipher a mind very far from yours. As a couple, you sail on a calm sea. Agreement and indulgence govern your daily life. You have found an interesting balance.

You are demanding of yourself and of your partner. You aspire to make your dream projects come true. However, your ambition for perfection could be excessive and harm the dynamic of your relationship. You take the risk of breaking any momentum on the part of your partner, the latter fearing not to do well or enough. Singles, you are looking for the charming prince or princess. And that’s the problem! Your expectations are too high for someone to suit you.

Thanks to the influence of the Moon, you enter a cycle of great fertility. If you are looking to conceive, all the indicators are green! Fertility should be there in the second part of the week, especially for Cancer ascendants. Otherwise, this influence may cause you some concentration problems, and you will have to redouble your efforts to be mentally available to your interlocutors, particularly in discussions that are important to them.

This week brings its share of dilemmas. You will have to make a choice whose consequences could be significant, particularly in the balance between personal and professional life. This may be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for to turn a page in your career, but the risks involved seem considerable to you. Don’t act alone: ​​an impulsive response could lead you in the wrong direction. Listen to your desires, but remain open to discussion with those close to you, who will provide good advice.

The atmosphere is conducive to teamwork: your profile and your leadership qualities are of interest and you will be made numerous proposals for collaboration. So take advantage of this collective enthusiasm from those around you or your colleagues to advance current projects. The temptation to do everything at once is strong, but knowing how to delegate will prove to be of crucial importance: it will allow you to save precious time which you can devote to other, more important pursuits.

Ouch! Too many good things is not always positive! The excesses you indulged in last week are now being felt, and you are on the verge of a liver attack! This week is the perfect time to make good resolutions, regardless of whether it’s the New Year or not! Resumption of a more balanced diet and increased sporting activity will do you the greatest good! If you start with conviction, this new momentum will last and will herald very positive changes for you.

As a family, let go of some weight this week. This advice applies in particular to those in the second decan. Living in a community often requires adapting to each person’s rhythm. The members of your household will want to preserve their living space at all costs. And you too ! A place, large or small, but specific to each person, contributes to collective well-being. If you’re planning a family vacation soon, balance free time and group activities. The joy of meeting again will triumph!

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