Weekly Horoscope 25-31 December 2023

The last week of the year will be a time of reunion for you. You will be close to your loved ones and should consciously appreciate their presence. Be careful not to get carried away by vain anger, since the planets Mars and Neptune could mislead you. Happy New Year to you!

This week, you will experience an ideal time to intellectualize your emotions in order to be able to express them more clearly. It would also be good for you to dedicate yourself to things that cultivate and soothe you, such as reading or writing. Take the time to look inside yourself and you will see more clearly.

This week, the material aspect of life will be at the center of your concerns. However, don’t get distracted by numbers alone, as you will need to spend time on your self-worth. Nurture your self-esteem by planning things that will make you feel strong in 2024. You can do it!

This week you will confront your emotions, allowing you to look back and learn from your past mistakes. Mercury will bring you back to active thinking about work and health, which will lead you to make new resolutions for the year to come. Well done!

Ups and downs will be present in your mood this week, as the Full Moon in Cancer will be in your 12th house of intimacy, and you will need some time to yourself. Take advantage of this free time to get away from outside noise and take refuge in meditation. This will guide you towards fullness to start 2024 on the right foot.

Family and time spent with those who complete you will be at the forefront of your mind. The end of year celebrations will be marked by love and support. Your planetary ruler, Mercury retrograde, is giving you the gift of smooth communication with your loved ones, so take advantage!

You may be a little stressed about work and professional life this week and you may not be able to completely disconnect. Spoiler alert! This is how we burn out. Try to give this area of ​​your life the right amount of attention, and no more, as it could be detrimental to you. Find your balance and relax with your loved ones!

Good vibes will cross your astrological zone this week and you will be able to say thank you to the Full Moon in Cancer. This water sign, from your same element, water, will allow you to connect to your most altruistic and noble ideas. You will be particularly popular if you highlight them, so share them without hesitation!

Don’t let family gatherings bring out your irritable side. You are a spirit full of optimism and this week you are fit to show it. You might need a little more privacy, so don’t prolong social contact unnecessarily. Learn to set limits and you will be happier at the end of the year!

The Full Moon in Cancer will be in your astrological love zone, and will highlight the conflicts that you avoid. Don’t be hostile, because this lunation will allow you to understand the deep bonds that unite you with others. Conflict resolution will be within your reach thanks to Jupiter, so seek this path instead.

The week leading up to the year, 2024 will be conducive to making you see what aspects of your health and well-being that you have been neglecting. It will be essential to refocus yourself for the start of 2023, because the Full Moon in Cancer will help you bring order and discipline into your self-care routine. Don’t hesitate to make new resolutions!

This week, dedicate your time to doing what you want to do. Don’t take on unwanted tasks in your free time. If there is no pleasure, let there be nothing. With the Full Moon in Cancer, you could indulge in what you are passionate about, without pressure, so treat yourself without guilt and relax!

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