Weekly Horoscope 29 Aprill to 5 May 2024

Atmosphere: Big news, Mars (planet of action) arrives in your sign on the 30th. This can correspond to a thunderous start on the romantic or professional level.

My advice: Beware of your impulsiveness and your impatience… They risk playing tricks on you (born in March).

Atmosphere: There is a person in your environment who has too much influence on you. The time has come to detach yourself from it (born around April 21).

My advice: If your sleep is not restorative and you wake up tired, take short naps to recover.

Atmosphere: Make as many projects as possible in all areas of your life. It doesn’t matter if they come to fruition or not, what matters is that they give you momentum again.

My advice: You have a thousand ideas per minute for the past few days. Remember to sort the wheat from the chaff before telling others.

Atmosphere: Your combativeness will be accentuated in the weeks to come. So, beware of anyone who wants to get in your way! You will be determined.

My advice: Between love and friendship, the border is not always clear… Do not misunderstand the intentions of the other.

Atmosphere: You will receive, from the 30th, energizing influxes from Mars (action). The period is ideal – until June 9 – to take initiatives and move forward.

My advice: Don’t give too much importance to what others may say or think about you. They do not have the absolute truth!

Atmosphere: Whether you are single or in a relationship, many of you suffer from a form of loneliness. But isn’t it you who keeps others at a distance?

My advice: Free yourself from certain little habits… This should bring you a real breath of fresh air (3rd decan).

Atmosphere: In the coming weeks, you will need to use your sense of diplomacy and conciliation. Some people will be very tense around you.

My advice: Someone pulls out all the stops to seduce you, but it’s not mutual? Make it clear that you are not interested.

Atmosphere: A family concern could monopolize your thoughts for a few days. Courage ! You will eventually find a solution (born in October).

My advice: Listen to your body and the signals it sends you: it makes you understand that you need to breathe.

Atmosphere: Things should get much better from the 30th. Not only will you have great energy, but your efforts will quickly bear fruit (1st decan).

My advice: Add little touches every day. This will show your loved ones that you think about them regularly.

Atmosphere: Good news! The planet of love (Venus) arrives on the 29th in a rewarding sector of your zodiac. You will have a better image of yourself.

My advice: Your home will be at the center of your concerns, with a move or work, even family tensions… Stay calm!

Atmosphere: You will have difficulty staying still for more than five minutes. You will need everything, right away. So much so that others will have difficulty keeping up with your pace.

My advice: You can’t change your past. The sooner you accept it, the sooner you will be able to turn the page (1st decan).

Atmosphere: If you have been angry lately, you will gradually regain your serenity from the 30th. You are on the path to appeasement (3rd decan).

My advice: Be more verbal, whether it is your thoughts, your emotions or even your desires (2nd decan).

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