Weekly Horoscope 4-10 March 2024

I would say that even this week you really have nothing to complain about! At most, if we really wanted to look at the speck of dust in the perfection of a five-star hotel I could tell you that Mercury in the 12th house makes you a little less safe than usual. Maybe for you this could be annoying but for us, know this, it will only be a pleasure!

The situation wouldn’t even be so bad, dear Taurus, if it weren’t for Venus and Mars still being against you. This means that there is little energy but also the desire to share it. However, Jupiter remains in your zodiac sign which amplifies everything you feel, which risks making you feel the need to seek confirmation in something immediately satisfying.

As you may have understood, this week also presents some rather fluctuating aspects in your horoscope. While you will continue to want to enjoy life and will indeed be an excellent companion for aperitifs, dinners and even holidays, Mercury slows down your brain. So in short, for these days too, leave important decisions aside and dedicate yourself to more immediate pleasures.

How much do you like it when you can have actual concrete thoughts that fit into each other like little pieces of a puzzle. All thanks to the planet of thought, Mercury, which amplifies your already strong ability to see situations with clarity and coherence . We’re not used to having you so on point!

This week too you will be nice next week dear Leo but as you will have understood there is nothing personal! It’s all the fault of many, perhaps too many planets that are against you and make you nervous, amplifying that feeling of always being the wrong person in the wrong place. And even dressed the wrong way! But then it passes, already better next week. Spoilers!

You might be nervous these days, even more than usual, because you have the impression that you don’t get one right, even by mistake! It’s all the fault of Mercury and Saturn both at the same time against you which takes away that intellectual certainty of being top of the class that you usually keep up. So in short, you might be a little more relaxed than usual and also a little more cynical: you need to find good reasons to laugh.

All, absolutely all the planets are in your favor, you have no intention of being told twice how much fun it is to let go. I told you that in this 2024 you would finally taste the thrill of lightness and carelessness together which in your case must go hand in hand. You start enjoying both right away.

Let’s say that the less you expose yourself this week, the better it will be dear Scorpio because the risk of saying particularly stinging and poisonous things and above all of regretting it immediately afterwards will be very high. On the other hand, all the planets that have to do with optimism and energy are against you, you only have Mercury in your favor which however risks amplifying your thoughts that are too deep.

I don’t know how many times I’ve already told you this but you are, astrologically speaking, the wise master of the zodiac. Unless, like this week, Mercury goes against us. Having the planet of thought that creates even more confusion puts you in a state of instability but, on the other hand, Venus and Mars in favor make you understand that sometimes it is good to leave your brain on the bedside table and enjoy the rest of the mattress.

You certainly won’t be able to complain about this week either because you will be wonderfully able to put together your ability to organize, visualize and predict but also to enjoy life a little, especially after intense busy days.

It’s the last week of Mars and Venus both in your zodiac sign so if I were you I wouldn’t waste time asking myself questions and I would work hard to love and be loved as much as possible. These days you are still absolutely irresistible! In the meantime, Mercury in your second house gives you the stability necessary to avoid creating problems: all your thoughts can be dedicated only to pleasures.

We have now understood that this 2024 will be a somewhat special year for you and above all until the end of May it is best that you dedicate yourself as much as possible to laying the foundations of what you want your future projects to be. Take advantage of Mercury in your zodiac sign and the planets in the 12th house which, yes, in fact, can sometimes give you Hamlet-like doubts but on the other hand amplify your already very powerful sixth sense.

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