Intermetal “Sh.P.K”, operates with over fifteen years of experience in the field of production of armored doors, fire doors, anti-panic doors.
This company has meticulously followed the rhythms of European technology in the field of production, standardizing its products in the ISO 9001-2008 system, also evaluated by the Institute “Giordano Bruno” (FI) Italy.
Activity of the Society:
In the Construction Industry Field:
From Import:
The priority of the Intermetal company is to guarantee the safety of the customer, using modern technology and digital machines programmed for a quality product and maximum safety.
Any armored door, produced by the staff of the Intermetal company, carries with it the guarantee and security against any mechanical intervention, giving our customers, perfect comfort and peace of mind.
The company “INTERMETAL” Sh.p.k produces a wide range of metal articles for the construction industry.
Address: Azotik Industrial Zone, Fier, Albania
For more information, contact us!
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