If you look like you are wet with water, you will get sick. If it is sea or fresh water, you will recover from the disease you have. If you see clean water flowing from the tap, you will have great wealth and happiness. If you are a woman, you will have a happy love. If you are a girl, you will have lucky love and a very good marriage. If you see that the water is dirty and cloudy, you will experience the opposite of the above, you may get sick. If they give you clean water in a glass, a person in whom you did not trust and who you would never expect will help them. If you look like you are drinking tap water, you will have the courage to declare your love. If you fill water in a broken vessel and see that it is pouring out, you will have family bitterness. And if you are in love, you have vain hopes. If you look like you are pouring water on the ground, you are wasting your time on worthless things. If you think that the water you throw on the ground is absorbed by the ground, you will lose all your wealth. If you water flowers or plants with water, you will have success in your affairs and you will have great success in love. If you look as if you are pouring lukewarm water on your hands, you will discover the disappointment of your friends or your boyfriend or girlfriend.