50 years, in the heart of your home!
Bringing the finest luxury concepts to you.
For the past 50 years, CENTRO has been at the center of attention when it comes to designing kitchen cabinets, as well as living and dining room furniture for every family. Our products are the result of your daily trust and acceptance.
We are committed to continuing to build and deliver, with the same passion and enthusiasm, quality furniture solutions for every room and every home.
We thank you with all our hearts!
IntraDOOR, one of the first companies that to be equipped with highly sophisticated CNC machines, covers fully all requirements with prompt services. Focusing on improving quality and reducing construction time, in recent years we carry out an investment in machinery, equipment and skilled human resources in this direction. Cutting-edge robotic finishing unit which use organic, environmentally friendly material, fully satisfies consumers.
The continuous renewal of patterns associated with of innovative solutions of production, intraDOOR guarantee that will always remain a leader and always will be ready to meet the increasing customer demands. As a result, there is a flexible production in countless projects and color variations.
Kitchen furniture with style and design!
CENTRO kitchen for years is constantly looking for solutions for the space which is the heart of your home, the kitchen!
High-end design and unparalleled quality in your bedroom!
Bedroom wardrobes from CENTRO kitchen are selected based on the strictest criteria, ensuring the best quality and highest standards for you.
After four decades of stability, experience and innovative technology, Nikolidakis Group and CENTRO furniture are entering a new era and expanding their product catalog.
Address: Hiqmet Buzi Street, Tirana, Albania.
For more information, contact us!
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