Introducing BENI Spare Parts, the right destination for high quality spare parts for Mercedes-Benz Cars, Volkswagen and other car models.
Located in Babrru, Tirana, we specialize in providing a wide range of genuine and reliable parts to keep your vehicles running smoothly.
With our extensive inventory and expertise, we guarantee you get the right parts at competitive prices, saving you time and money.
Whether you’re a car enthusiast or a professional mechanic, our dedicated team is dedicated to providing fair customer service and helping you find the perfect fit for your vehicle.
At BENI Replacement Parts, we understand the importance of reliability and durability when it comes to your vehicles. This is why we offer a wide range of spare parts, imported directly from Italy and beyond in Europe, guaranteeing optimal performance and longevity.
We offer high quality spare parts, mainly for Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen vehicles. Trusted by local mechanics and car enthusiasts.
Reasonable prices for quality parts. Contact us.
Ne e kuptojmë se çdo biznes është unik. Kjo është arsyeja pse ne krijojmë zgjidhje të personalizuara të përshtatura për identitetin, audiencën dhe objektivat e markës suaj. Modelet dhe strategjitë tona janë krijuar për të synuar dhe për të arritur rezultate të kënaqshme.