Being single or in a relationship has its pros and cons. Experts say that it is not better to be single, just as it is not necessarily better to be in a relationship. “What’s right for us depends on our particular situation: age, romantic history, emotional stability, lifestyle,” sexologist Jess tells the Huffington Post.
So what are the advantages of being single?
Get more exercise: You may have read somewhere that marriage is a cure for everything from heart problems to depression, but studies show that being single is good for your health, too. Dr. Jess says: “In a study of 13,000 Americans aged 18 to 64, those who had never been married were more likely to be physically active than those who were divorced, separated, married or single. widow”. Physical exercises are associated with other health benefits, such as improved mood, increased energy, improved sleep quality, and cardiovascular activity.
You take more care of yourself: Studies say that there are different results if we compare the health data of a married woman with a woman who has always been single. According to a study, single women showed higher results in three parameters: general health, sick days and visits. Another 2013 Health Psychology study found that those who are happily married are more likely to gain weight in the next four years of marriage.
You are more active with society: “Some experts say that singles are more free, create stronger social bonds compared to married people, as they look for more opportunities to socialize,” says sexologist Jess.
Eat healthier: Living in an unhealthy relationship that ends in divorce is harmful to both the mind and the body. “Sick” and unhappy relationships can lead to a variety of behaviors such as “comfort feasting”, (eating anything while gaining weight, seeing it as a way of comfort), and “control feasting” (depriving yourself of food for to control something in life).
Friendships Last Longer: Although against our will, when we get married many friendships end up on the back burner. The partner and the family become priorities. This is fair. But on the other hand, singles manage to keep their friendships alive and that’s why they become “best” friends.
Have less debt: Money isn’t as important as health and happiness, but having debt is stressful. Singles seem to have fewer of these. If it is true that money issues cause severe stress, and stress damages health, then this is an important finding.
You are enough with yourself: When you are alone you learn to enjoy the time just for yourself. The opportunity to live in an independent and satisfying way is an “important survival technique” that couples do not enjoy.