Signs that you are dehydrated

Numerous studies have refuted the idea that everyone should drink 8 glasses of water a day, as this depends on gender, age, weight and an individual’s fluid requirements. However, many of us do not meet the body’s water requirements, ending up dehydrated without knowing it. If you experience one or more of the following signs, you should know that your body needs water.

1. Your mouth is dry and your breath smells bad

2. The skin is dry

3. Eye redness, pain and dryness

4. Urine is dark in color

5. You have problems with the digestive system, you have difficulty in defecating. (your bowels are dehydrated making it difficult to move).

6. Experience joint pain. The body’s joints and joints are made up of 80 percent water. The lack of water in the body causes the latter to hurt and crackle.

7. Dizziness and fatigue. Dizziness and fatigue can have many causes, but dehydration can be one of them.

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