How to mitigate the problem of stomach bloating?

Stomach bloating is an unpleasant feeling that affects many people. Consequences can be varied, including fluid and gas retention, which can usually be fixed through natural remedies and lifestyle changes. Fluid retention may be due to excessive salt intake. Many industrially produced foods contain a lot of salt and other sources of sodium, so always read the food ingredients statement.

Reduce your sodium intake in the following ways:

  • Avoid meat products.
  • Buy foods with low salt content. Look for breads, cereals, canned and frozen vegetables, various butters and creams, sauces and soups with a low percentage of salt.
  • Do not boil vegetables in salted water.
  • Do not add salt and other sodium-based products when cooking at home.

Other ways to reduce bloating are:

  • Chew each bite well and take care not to talk while eating. Strong enzymes in the mouth aid digestion.
  • Eat smaller meals.
  • Do not drink during the meal. The juice dilutes the stomach acid and enzymes, thus slowing down the passage of food through the stomach.
  • Avoid starchy foods such as pasta and potatoes at the same meal as protein or fruit.
  • Avoid large amounts of legumes, meat, and raw fruits and vegetables, as they can increase the amount of gas in your intestines.

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