How to take care of your stomach

Healthy nutrition goes hand in hand with stomach well-being. The relationship between food and the stomach has a direct impact not only on the health of the organism but also on human happiness. This J-shaped organ is a veritable hormone machine and is the first line of immune defense. The stomach plays a key role not only in the transformation of nutrients into energy and in the absorption of nutrients but also in the well-being of all other organs, including the brain. In this article you will learn about the 4 actions you should take every day for stomach health.

Sour: Sour and bitter foods stimulate the formation of food-digesting enzymes. Experts referred to by recommend that before a heavy meal, eat a salad of spinach and wild herbs sprinkled with lemon juice. Half an hour before a meal, you can drink a glass of water with the juice of half a lemon or half a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. These remedies will facilitate and accelerate the formation of digestive juices.

Spicy: Ginger, a spicy tuber is the best remedy for digestion. It calms the stomach, facilitates digestion, eliminates bloating and nausea. You can consume ginger as tea and drink it together with lemon for better stomach health.

Movement: Laziness also affects digestion. Experts say that people who want to improve digestion should perform regular physical activity. The latter will stimulate the natural contraction of the muscles of the digestive system and facilitate the elimination of food waste.

Hydration: If one does not drink enough water, the body will suffer from constipation. Water is essential for the production of digestive juices without which one suffers from gas, bloating and nausea. Experts recommend drinking at least 2 liters of water per day.

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