Zgara Fatosi started its activity in 1994 in the city of Korca with the production of carcasses. In addition to Korca, in 2002 our company expanded its activity in the city of Tirana.
The products we produce are many, but the primary ones are CARRIER BARS. Typical traditional product of Korca, roasted in the oven and accompanied by a Korce jack.
In our workshop, the first step towards the quality and longevity of our products is hygiene, which is not a cost but an investment for our company. The main point of exercise of the activity is located on Rr. Mrs. Curre, Tirana.
In addition to crates, other products offered by our carrier are:
All these products are distributed and offered every day in our sales points and in the premises that we supply. The distribution is done by the company itself with its vans.
Address: New Market, Tirana
For more information, contact us!
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