Clinic of Psychology PhD/Dr. “Arbjola Halimi” since 2015 offers Psychological Counseling, Psychotherapy, Expertise Reports, Psychological Assessment Reports, etc..!
Dr. Arbjola Halimi has been a Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, Health Psychology and Therapy since 2004. Full-time lecturer of Clinical and Abnormal Psychology, Family Therapy, Psychotherapy, etc…
Payment per session Face to face 4,000 Lek or Online is 40 Euro / Session!
Services provided:
Psychotherapy or Psychological Counseling is the talking cure that helps you heal from your worries caused by your anxiety, your fears, despair and melancholy, as well as from the many physical body problems associated with them. Some of these concerns are chest tightness, breathing difficulties, headaches, back pain, body aches, insomnia problems, and a tendency not to engage in activities.
Hiring a Psychological Expert or Clinical Psychologist, as an expert in court, makes a psychological evaluation on the truth or otherwise of the alleged acts of violence or abuse. Psychodiagnostic / clinical evaluation of cases under investigation / trial for the presence or not of mental disorders or psychoemotional vulnerabilities. Application of measuring instruments for forensic psychoclinical assessment. In the psychological report, the questions posed by the court or the relevant person of the case are answered.
Address: Rruga e Kavajes, pallati pas godines UFO Arkitekture, Tiranë
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