Foods that digest excess fat in the body

We all face the phenomenon of excessive thickness, especially in the abdominal area. Regardless of whether we eat a cookie or a yogurt that we consider healthy, both of these products contain the same number of calories. So where does the difference lie?

Surprisingly, there are many differences between the foods we consume, especially if we want to melt belly fat, reports Koha. While there is no magic formula for losing excess weight, eating healthy foods on a regular basis will help you on your mission to a leaner physique.

Yogurt. More than 90 different studies have found a strong link between calcium intake and improved body composition. When you have low amounts of calcium in your body, your body releases hormones that allow you to make better use of the calcium you have. The problem is that, at the same time, your body signals the cells that collect fat, especially in the abdomen. Dairy products, including milk, cheese and yogurt, are the preferred sources of calcium. Consume three servings of dairy a day and be careful with your diet, and you will begin to lose weight significantly.

Green tea. By consuming green tea on a daily basis, you will not only fight cancer and heart disease, but also reduce the amount of belly fat, especially if you walk regularly. This tea contains large amounts of catechins and antioxidants, which affect the increase in metabolism at such a speed that the liver melts more fat. To enjoy these benefits, you need to consume 4-6 cups of green tea a day, and walk or run at least 180 minutes a week.

Eggs. Reducing your calorie intake is still the best way to lose weight, as long as you don’t cut back on protein too much. Protein helps maintain muscle mass in the body while you’re trying to lose weight, and muscle burns more calories than fat. Therefore, include protein in every meal, especially in the morning. Eggs are an easy and inexpensive choice. They are a rare source of nature that contains good amounts of vitamin D, which experts consider to play an important role in weight loss.

Walnuts and almonds. If you make your diet rich in nuts, it can help reduce the belly. Numerous studies suggest that walnuts and almonds are effective in melting fat, of course, as long as you don’t overdo it. Walnuts are rich in fiber, protein and good fats, which can increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin, thus helping in weight loss. Walnuts are also the best source, other than fish, of omega-3 fatty acids, while almonds provide additional benefits in the form of fat-absorbing calcium.

Salmon. Eating fat sounds like a crazy idea when you’re trying to lose weight, but getting more omega-3 fatty acids from fish like salmon may be just what the doctor ordered. Therefore, try to eat salmon or other types of fatty fish such as mackerel, herring or canned tuna, at least twice a week.

Blueberries. In a study conducted at the University of Michigan, anthocyanin found in blueberries may have an effect on genes that regulate fat metabolism. That’s why experts say that a glass of blueberries a day can have successful results in trying to melt body fat.

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