About the Company: The main object of the company “EdilCass VB” is the processing and assembly of the “Edilcass” Grid. It is called so because its main and special element is the “Edilcass” cassette imported by the Italian manufacturer “EDILCASS” s.p.a Cisternino (BA) Italy.

The Edilcass grill is highly functional (corresponds to the thickness of the wall and serves as a lintel) and easy to assemble.

The demand for our product is constantly increasing (imports have multiplied, the number of customers is also increasing and so is the number of personnel). It’s been over 12 years since our clientele has spread geographically (not only in Durrës and Tirana, but also in Vlorë, Shkodër, Lezhë, Sarandë…)!

The quality of our product and the level of service have influenced the positioning of Our Company in the market. Contact us!

Edilcass V.B offers a number of support services to its customers such as:

      • Free shipping
      • Grill assembly
      • Assistance after assembly
      • Consultation regarding the use of the grill

We always try to ensure that the customer is sure of his decision to select the Edilcass grill, which is certified according to the highest ISO 9001 standards.

“Edilcass VB” shpk was created on 28.03.2003 with no. 28395 of the “Commercial Register”. The headquarters of the “Edilcass VB” Company is located in Durrës, in neighborhood 13, Rr. Ring Shkozet-Plepa, Durrës Beach.

Address: Lagjia 13, Unaza e Plazhit, Rr. Shkozet-Plepa, 300 m from the railway overpass, Durrës

For more information, contact us!


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