Interior Qehaja has been operating in the market since 1993, offering and producing premium quality furniture. Our ability to understand and meet the needs of our customers makes us today the leader in the market for the production of the best quality furniture that suits your needs and desires. All our furniture is produced with great skill and craftsmanship by our artisans.

Our work connects the mind and the hands together, in a very delicate, intimate and timeless craft quest. We guarantee maximum quality, the transformation of functionality into beauty and the customization of your furniture according to your request. Mobileri Qehaja, located in Tirana, has created a reputation for quality woodworking and pure craftsmanship.

Qehaja Complex, located in Tirana, is a line of furniture created by the correct choice of production and design which belong to the highest quality as well as by a perfect balance of classic, neoclassical, modern and contemporary style.

Workmanship and variety as well as special care in detail and in the choice of colors giving importance to the decorative motifs that are carefully carved on the border, lids, legs, etc.

Qehaja makes it possible to transform manual work into a luxury of life. All techniques such as carving, polishing, lacquering, gilding are done by hand and are a perfect combination between respect for the art of making a piece of furniture and the most advanced technological innovations within the sector and furniture style.

The wide range of products and the creation of infinite modules enable customers to fulfill every need and in turn makes it possible to customize according to their tastes in order to create custom furniture.

A long tradition in design together with high technology of work and assembly allows our products to stand out for their highest quality.

Services offered:

– Wood processing

     • Engraving

     • Polishing

     • Bending

     • Handicrafts

     • Works with the latest technology

– Day room

– Internal staircase

– Bedroom

– Wooden doors

– Kitchen

– Etc..!

Address: Ali Beshiri street, Tirana

For more information, contact us!



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Nëse jeni pronar i këtij biznesi dhe dëshironi të abonoheni përsëri, ju lutemi kontaktoni me ne për të rinovuar abonimin tuaj. Ne do t’ju udhëzojmë në procesin e regjistrimit dhe do t’ju sigurojmë akses në shërbimet tona.

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