Si të mos shpenzoni më shumë sesa duhet?

If you are unable to stick to a fixed budget, spend more than you earn, or end up getting wasted, then you need some valuable advice. There is a way to avoid wasteful spending: just think of your money as the clock of your life. Here’s how it works: Say you make $50,000 a year […]

Si të ulni tensionin e lartë në shtëpi?

Lemons have the ability to maintain the flexibility and functions of blood vessels thus reducing blood pressure. High blood pressure is a very common health problem. If not treated properly, hypertension can transform into a very disturbing and even catastrophic problem causing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, problems with brain skills and kidney failure. Most people who […]

Si të dominoni një bisedë?

Not all of us feel good at holding conversations, but there are many psychological tricks and tips that can help you start a dialogue and attract others around you. Read these tips: If you don’t know what to talk about, let the interlocutor speak for himself. Ask questions and laugh when there is something to […]

Vitaminat që ju ndihmojnë të luftoni stresin

Nowadays, the level of stress is very high, which can directly affect your health, sleep and mood. A healthy diet, getting enough sleep and physical exercise are some of the elements that will help you reduce your stress level. Below you will find 8 vitamins that will make you feel better, create immunity to various […]

Shkaqet më të zakonshme të divorcit

Marriage is not easy and we all make mistakes sometimes. However, among those mistakes there are also those that cannot be forgiven, or that definitely lead to divorce. Despite all the wishes to believe in unconditional love and patience, saving the marriage is not that simple. Some of the common causes of divorce are: 1. […]

Këshilla për një marrëdhënie të shëndetshme

Men and women… we may speak the same language, but that doesn’t mean we understand each other. A study found that words and phrases can have different meanings for each of us when we discuss. That is why, sometimes, we cannot communicate without arguing. But if you’re willing to put in some effort, you can […]

Përfitimet nga konsumimi i mjaltit

Honey is considered one of the wonders of nature due to the high nutritional value it carries. Since long ago, honey has been used as a natural medicine for the treatment of wounds, for relieving the symptoms of various diseases, etc. Honey can have many benefits both inside and outside the body, here are its […]

Disa ushqime të pasura me fibra

Foods rich in fiber are great allies for our health. They lower cholesterol and blood sugar, promote good bowel function and help us get back in shape. Here’s how to fill up on fiber by eating foods that contain more. Corn – It is an excellent natural source of fiber. It is no coincidence that […]

Vlerat ushqyese të specit djegës

Chili pepper is used in modern medicine, primarily, to relieve pain in patients suffering from arthritis and diabetes. Pepper is rich in vitamin C, which protects against infections. Also, large amounts of vitamin E are found in pepper, which is attributed to the aphrodisiac property, which is related to the improvement of sexual functions. But […]

Vlera ushqyese e sallatës jeshile!

Green salad is one of the products that is consumed most often on our tables, often without knowing its nutritional value in the body. It is composed of a high amount of water, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin K, beta-carotene, as well as a number of minerals. In this article, you will be […]

Simptomat që tregojnë se keni probleme me veshkat!

Urinary tract infection begins in our urinary tract, which consists of the kidneys, ureters (urine canals), bladder and urethra. But how can this problem be prevented and which people are more predisposed to be affected. All people are at risk of being affected by urinary tract infections. Thus, the most at risk are those patients […]

Pse kruajmë kokën kur mendojmë?

Do you often find yourself itching while you think? The head-scratching scene is very familiar to everyone – from childhood and researchers associate it with thinking and studying the future action. Very often, we ourselves do the same when we think about the things we need to do or say. Mainly we are talking about […]

Përfitimet shëndetësore të hurmave!

The date is an underrated fruit and is often perceived as a candy. However, there are some really smart reasons to eat these little fruits regularly. Dates contain many nutrients, including seven different vitamins and minerals – for example, vitamin C, vitamin A, some B vitamins, calcium and iron And here are some reasons why […]

Disa shenja që tregojnë se ai është i çmendur pas jush!

This is perhaps the biggest dilemma: How to know when someone likes you. Because there is nothing more terrible than getting close to someone who has no interest in you, while you continue to lie to your mind that very soon you will get something. In fact, if you read body language carefully, you’ll probably […]

Si të rrisim imunitetin me ushqim?

There are always many bacteria around you that can harm your health, but nevertheless there is a protective mechanism: the immune system. Special cells are distributed throughout your body and when harmful bacteria or viruses strike, the cells send a warning signal to other parts of the system to take care and prevent the disease […]

Karakteristikat e njerëzve të ndjeshëm

Studies show that 15-20% of the population is highly sensitive. However, people do not know what this means. Things highly sensitive people do: They panic when they have too much to do: They are constantly anxious and as their stress level increases, they have more difficulty being productive. They consider noisy environments to be chaotic: […]

Këshilla për gjumë të rehatshëm!

If you want to have a healthy life, then you should still have good sleep and sleep without waking up or other disturbances. Sleep is very important to rest the body and brain, as well as to accumulate the necessary energy for the next day. A very important factor for sleep is the environment of […]

Pse është më mirë të jesh beqar?

Being single or in a relationship has its pros and cons. Experts say that it is not better to be single, just as it is not necessarily better to be in a relationship. “What’s right for us depends on our particular situation: age, romantic history, emotional stability, lifestyle,” sexologist Jess tells the Huffington Post. So […]