Hidrosanitary Olsi “Top Elite”, offers a variety of Hydrosanitary Equipment for different residential or business environments.
Collections with style and colors are offered depending on the environment and your request. We offer quality and guaranteed products as we sell sanitary ware of the most popular brands in the market.
Dedication to what we offer to customers and quality-based products are the reliability our company offers to solve your needs.
We offer a wide range of products such as:
– Hydrosanitary set, Wc, Wc cassette, Wc cover, Bidet.
– Bathroom furniture, Mirrors, Sinks, Columns & Semi-columns, Furniture Sets.
– Simple mirrors, with LED, with Touch.
– Plastic, Porcelain, Hydromassage Bathtubs, Massagers, Glass Bathtubs, Faucets & Accessories
– Ready-made and custom-made shower cabins, Shower tiles, Partition glass
– Faucets, mixer taps, sinks, showers, bidets, sinks.
– Boliera
– Etc..!
Address: Siri Kodra Street, Warehouse Block, behind Gega Oil, Tirana
For more information, contact us!
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Nëse keni nevojë për ndihmë, jeni të mirëpritur të na kontaktoni.
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