Daily Horoscope 1st February 2024

Horoskopi Ditor: Dashi, Demi, Binjaket, Gaforrja, Luani, Virgjeresha, Peshorja, Akrepi, Shigjetari, Bricjapi, Ujori, Peshqit

In work and economy, The High Priestess and Ace of Spades: you should keep out of matters beyond your control. Don’t meddle in unnecessary situations and act passively. You’ll appreciate being able to afford certain luxuries, but juggling with the economy carries the risk of its collapse.

In love and environment, Two of Pentacles and Four of Swords: Be clear and concrete in your emotions. Don’t get so carried away by the heart and bring a concise reality to your mind. You will have to withdraw for a while from a friendship that doesn’t allow you to evolve.

In health and your energy, The Moon and The Empress: try to drink plenty of fluids. You may have a problem with insomnia. Your creative energy demands to be projected outwardly through some activity or sport.

In work and economy, Justice and the Jack of Pentacles: they indicate signing contracts, agreements, or judgments in your favor. If you study, you’ll get decent grades and recognition. It’s the beginning of a good period in financial matters, but be careful, don’t let yourself be carried away by greed and wastefulness.

In love and environment, King of Cups and Six of Pentacles: you’ll feel more generous than usual, not to say that you’re generally selfish, but you will be more open to others.
In health and your energy, Two of Cups and King of Clubs: you’ll make a full recovery and have energy to face the day. You’ll have the motivation to want to finish things as soon as possible, and so it will be.

In work and economy, Queen of Clubs and Three of Clubs: you’re going to be able to direct certain aspects that you weren’t allowed to before, and you’ll establish some kind of routine on your own. You’ll have growing profit, slowly, but in sight. There’s a possibility of new horizons that you’ll reach very soon.

In love and environment, The Hanged Man and The Magician: you need to give yourself a break and see things differently. You make too much sacrifice for the little reward you get from the other party. You’ll have communication with a family member you haven’t heard from in a while. Your life will have changed for good.

In health and your energy, Eight of Clubs and Blank Card: you demand too much of yourself which will wear you down more than you should. You have a spiritual help that you perceive around you.

In work and economy, Ace of Clubs and Four of Cups: a new opportunity looms over you. Adapt to this new change that will bring balance to your life. You rethink too much on what you base your expenses and you have to focus more on the period in which you make them.

In love and environment, Two of Swords and King of Pentacles: a mental block will arise that won’t let you move forward, which is a problem of self-doubt. A male earth sign will comment on a family situation that won’t please you too much, without getting into an argument.
In health and your energy, Queen of Pentacles and the Pope: pay special attention to your bones and joints. Energy wear will be quite evident during the day.

In work and economy, Queen of Cups and Three of Pentacles: you’ll feel that others will listen to you, understand you and support you if you need any help or favor. Your finances will be balanced and stable enough to invest in a home project.

In love and environment, Four of Pentacles and Two of Clubs: don’t cling to people as if they were objects. Respect for personal space is necessary if you want to see a proper evolution of feelings. Don’t repress your opinions about someone around you. Those bandages you are creating for yourself could be your own emotional grave.

In health and your energy, Ten of Clubs and Eight of Swords: you’ll feel like taking on the world. Go outside and enjoy the fresh air. You’ll sense how those around you will fix their eyes on you and that will make you uncomfortable.

In work and economy, Eight of Cups and The Devil: don’t insist on continuing with something that is out of your hands. You’ve already done as much as possible and you need to withdraw from the scene if you don’t want to end up crushed. Unforeseen extra expenses of a considerable amount will leave you over budget.

In love and environment, Nine of Swords and Knight of Pentacles: overcome that stage of loneliness or breakup if you don’t want your head to explode. You can’t go on with that vibe if you don’t want to get sick. A male figure, whom you don’t know, will come to stabilize your social life.

In health and your energy, Death and The Hermit: you’re in a process of inner transformation. Allow yourself to go through all the emotional phases and you’ll gain mental strength. Seek a new approach to life. Empower yourself by studying, practicing meditation and meeting new people.

In work and economy, The Judgment and The World: new news is coming, of a positive nature, which will increase your desire to continue to advance in the workplace. There will be success and comfort to be able to indulge in any considerable whim, and enjoy moments with your loved ones.

In love and environment, Three of Swords and Ace of Cups: you feel stabbed by those words that touched you in the depths of your heart. Don’t escalate things, especially when they are negative for you. Just let them go. You’ll add a new member to your family or social circle who is younger than you.

In health and your energy, Jack of Cups and Nine of Pentacles: you may feel like you’re on cloud nine. Delight in good energy but beware of excesses. Take advantage of the evening to reflect, meditate or indulge in a hobby that makes you feel outside the three dimensions.

In work and economy, Knight of Clubs and Temperance: delve into those challenges that were proposed to you and modify them to your needs as far as possible. You’ll come to a successful conclusion in this way. You can’t ask for a better financial situation because you can’t afford it, but you could continue to benefit from better conditions.

In love and environment, The Fool and Five of Pentacles: you’ll feel a mutual and stable connection with a person. There are comfortable and sincere reunions that were due to you for a long time. You’ll have to let someone go to let a new adventure begin. Give them some advice and remember, it’s not goodbye.

In health and your energy, The Lovers and Ten of Cups: watch your legs. They need, perhaps, more movement and elasticity to improve your circulation. You need to transform your desires into realities, without remaining at the fork of doubt.

In work and economy, Jack of Swords and Knight of Swords: be alert to possible hesitations when presenting yourself in front of new people. You’ll need some analysis of the behavior at work or in your student environment.

In love and environment, Strength and The Tower: Work on the best part of yourself so that those closest to you can take advantage of your energy. Be alert to the approaching storm at home. To build higher you must deconstruct.

In health and your energy, Five of Clubs and Knight of Cups: your immune system will decline for a while. Get some rest and try to sleep as much as possible, because you will need it. Demand more confidence in yourself. Take care of your image and your thoughts to project it outwards.

In work and economy, Five of Cups and Seven of Swords: you may feel somewhat unfortunate for what you are going through. Value the unconditional support you have behind you and keep in mind that the Universe has prepared another opportunity for you. Be careful where you shop because there is a risk of problems at the checkout or some kind of loss.

In love and environment, Eight of Pentacles and The Emperor: you continue to strive to polish your defects and that makes you proud. It’s good that you’ve paved the way for everything to be easier. Take comfort in regard to a male figure. Your emotions are stable.

In health and your energy, The Chariot and Seven of Clubs: prominent energy will allow you to enjoy the day. You have a strong mindset and won’t let opinions or comments of a certain caliber affect you.

In work and economy, Nine of Cups and Jack of Clubs: you feel that you can’t make ends meet or you can’t find what you need. You’re considering many things but the final decision scares you. At least you can move forward, for the moment, with your circumstances.

In love and environment, Ten of Swords and Four of Wands: for the new stage to flourish, you must close the previous one. You think this is the end but it’s quite the opposite. The Sun has just risen. On the other hand, you’ll celebrate the achievement of a friend or relative and you may collaborate in their future.

In health and your energy, Nine of Clubs and Queen of Cups: that surplus energy you have should be channeled through sports, especially water sports. It is a good therapy for conscious breathing.

In work and economy, Six of Clubs and Seven of Cups: you’ll be a resounding success in some proposal you’ve been waiting for. You’ll advance along the same path but with a different perspective.

In love and environment, Ace of Pentacles and Six of Swords: there is a great opportunity for the confidence and belief that this person is the right one to flourish with. There will be an unwanted physical journey to attend a meeting with certain irritable people.

In health and your energy, The Sun and Five of Swords: you’ll enjoy a good mood. Still, you should be encouraged to promote physical and mental agility. An internal, spiritual conflict will appear, which will make you change your belief system, which you already had somewhat obsolete.

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