Ligori Travel offers daily Bus Trips from Albania to Italy and vice versa. Daily departures from Albania: Vlora, Fieri, Lushnja, Berat, Durres and Tirana.

Cities where we travel in Italy are: Brindisi, Frosinone, Rome, Poggibonsi, Firenze, Prato, Pistoia, Sesti, Magra, Imperia, Genova, Savona, Ancona, Pescaro, Rimini, Varese, Forli, Bologna, Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Lodi and Milan.

We also offer the service of sending orders to your loved ones, both to Italy and to Albania. Very reasonable prices.

Address: Llukan Toska Street, in front of AGA-1 gas station, Fier

For more information, contact us!


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