Epoxy Resine Albania is a company founded in 2018, with the extension of its function throughout Albania. The focus of the company is the introduction of innovative materials in the real estate field (Resin) into the Albanian market. Epoxy Resin Albania starts its activity with the introduction of “Resins” into the market. Resin is a polymer material widely used in the real estate industry.
Resin has a wide range of applications in the furniture field but also other fields, including metal coatings, use in electronics / electrical components / LEDs, high voltage electrical insulators, brush manufacturing, fiber reinforced plastic materials and structural adhesives. .
Our distribution:
Our location is in Vore, but with an extension to the entire Albanian market with the distribution of resin material. Our primary clients are furniture companies, but the breadth of the field of application of this material makes it useful in other fields as well.
Epoxy Resin Albania:
For further information on the use and possibility of acquiring this product, you can contact our company.
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